Trap counter

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Trap counter
Use Sacrifice land to deal damage to non-flying creature
Placed on Lands
Introduced Scourge
Last used Scourge
1 counter creation card
{W} 100%
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oracle:"Trap counter"

Trap counters are a type of counter introduced in Scourge. They are placed on lands that give them a sacrificial ability to deal damage to creatures.


Trap counters first appeared on Trap Digger in Scourge. It is a creature with an activated ability to place Trap counters on lands under the Player's control. These lands can then be sacrificed to deal 3 damage to a creature without flying. This represents the land being trapped and activating on the creature with flying creatures being immune as they can stay above the land.



  1. Christopher Bellach (September 5, 2018). "Counter Development in Magic Online". Wizards of the Coast.