Kick counter

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Kick counter
Use Cast copies of exiled instants on the creature's attack
Placed on Exiled Instants
Introduced Secret Lair Drop Series: February Superdrop 2022
Last used Phyrexia: All Will Be One
2 counter creation cards
{W/U} 100%
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Kick counters are a type of counter introduced in the Secret Lair Drop Series: February Superdrop 2022. They are created via multikicker and allow the player to cast copies of exiled instants on the creature's attack.


Kick counters first appeared on Chun-Li, Countless Kicks in the Street Fighter drop of the Secret Lair Drop Series: February Superdrop 2022. It has the multikicker mechanic on it which also allows for the creature to exile instants from the graveyard with a Kick counter on them for how many times she was kicked. Then, via her Lightning Kick Flavor word ability, Chun-Li can copy and cast any of the exiled cards with a counter each time she attacks. They are used thematically to represent the power and speed of Chun-Li's kicks.

When Chun-Li's Universes Within counterpart was printed in Phyrexia: All Will Be One, kick counters were not renamed.