MTG Wiki:Community portal

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More than anything, be bold! If you think an edit needs to be made, just do it.

This page lists ongoing projects and tasks to improve MTG Wiki. If you're new to wikis, Wikipedia's tutorial may help you to make your first edit.

The Community Portal talk page is a good place for wiki discussions that aren't linked to a particular article. We also have Discord for general Magic and offtopic chatter, and it can be a fine place to ask exploratory questions.

Need help?

  • Policies and guidelines describe MTG Wiki's editorial and content norms.
  • If you cannot edit an article (you see "View Source" rather than "Edit Source"), make sure you're signed in. Some pages are limited to registered users in order to protect against vandalism or bots.
    • A much smaller number are restricted to admins only, usually because their content is transcluded onto many other pages, and edits to those require extra care, and possibly discussion beforehand. These are mostly technical pages, particularly in the MediaWiki or Templates namespaces.
  • If you feel that an edit is needed on an article, and cannot make that edit yourself, start a discussion on that article's Talk page.
  • If you encounter technical problems, bring them to the admin noticeboard.
  • If you encounter urgent technical problems, requiring ASAP attention, you can notify the admins in Discord for a faster response.
  • If you need a safe space to test a potentially disruptive edit, try here. The test page belongs to no one and can be freely overwritten.

Ongoing work