Petrification counter

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Petrification counter
Use Creature becomes a colorless artifact with Defender which can't activate its abilities
Placed on Creatures
Introduced Magic 2013
Last used Magic 2013
1 counter creation card
{B} 100%
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oracle:"Petrification counter"

Petrification counters are a type of counter introduced in Magic 2013. They represent a Gorgon's ability to turn a creature to stone.


Petrification counters first appeared on Xathrid Gorgon in Magic 2013. It is a creature with the ability to put a petrification counter on a creature. A creature with one of the counters becomes a colorless artifact with Defender and which cannot use any of its abilities. These effects represent the creature being a stone statue of itself.



  1. Christopher Bellach (September 5, 2018). "Counter Development in Magic Online". Archived from the original on October 11, 2022.