Ore counter

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Ore counter
Use Land destruction and damage to a player
Placed on Land Aura
Introduced Homelands
Last used Homelands
1 counter creation card
{R} 100%
Scryfall search
oracle:"Ore counter"

Ore counters are a type of counter introduced in Homelands. They mark a land for eventual destruction damaging the player upon their eventual removal.


Ore counters first appeared on Orcish Mine in Homelands. The enchantment is an aura that enchants a land and starts with 3 Ore counters on it. One gets removed each time the land is tapped and at the player's upkeep. Once all 3 are removed the land gets destroyed and the player receives 2 damage. This represents the land being exhausted of resources until it collapses damaging the player using it.



  1. Christopher Bellach (September 5, 2018). "Counter Development in Magic Online". magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.