Glyph counter

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Glyph counter
Use Freezes creature; 1 counter removed each upkeep.
Placed on Creatures
Introduced Legends
Last used Legends
1 counter creation card
{U} 100%
Scryfall search
oracle:"Glyph counter"

Glyph counters are a type of counter introduced in Legends. They temporarily freeze a creature for a turn per counter.


Glyph counters first appeared on Glyph of Delusion in Legends as unnamed counters which were later given errata to Glyph counters. It is an instant which places counters equal to a given creature's toughness on it that was blocked by a Wall during the turn. They cause the creature to not untap during the turn with one counter being removed during the player's upkeep.


In Magic Online, the counter is colored orange as its considered a negative effect and it shares an icon with Awakening, Echo, and Luck counters.[1]


  1. Christopher Bellach (September 5, 2018). "Counter Development in Magic Online". Wizards of the Coast.