Magnet counter

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Magnet counter
Use Forces creatures to attack and block together
Placed on Creatures
Introduced Tempest
Last used Tempest
1 counter creation card
{artifact symbol} 100%
Scryfall search
oracle:"Magnet counter"

Magnet counters are a type of counter introduced in Tempest. They give an effect to creatures that force them to attack or block when others with the counter do so.


Magnet counters first appeared on Magnetic Web in Tempest. It had an activated ability to place Magnet counters on creatures. Whenever a creature with a Magnet counter on it attacks, all other creatures with them on it are forced to attack as well. Similarly, whenever a creature with a Magnet counter on it blocks another creature, all other creatures with them are forced to block as well. These effects represent a magnetic pull between the creatures with the counters.



  1. Christopher Bellach (September 5, 2018). "Counter Development in Magic Online". Wizards of the Coast.