Counter (marker)/Full List

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The following is an alphabetical list of counters used in all core sets and expansions and the cards that produce them:

  • Gilder Bairn was the first card to double the amount of counters on any permanent.
  • Aether Snap was the first card to remove all counters on all permanents.
  • Vampire Hexmage was the first permanent card that can remove all counters from a permanent.
  • Hex Parasite was the first card that can remove fewer than all counters of any type from a permanent.

±N/±M counter

These counters modify the power and toughness of a creature. Only the +1/+1 and the -1/-1 counter are still in use and can annihilate each other.

+1/+1 counter

Main article: +1/+1 counter

+1/+1 counters are the most common counter type in Magic. The cards which produce these counters are listed here.

-1/-1 counter

Main article: -1/-1 counter

-1/-1 counters are the inverse of +1/+1 counter. The cards which produce these counters are listed here.

Deprecated ±N/±M counter

The rest of these power and toughness counters are deprecated and no longer printed on modern cards.

+0/+1 counter

+0/+2 counter

  • Frankenstein's Monster from The Dark is the first and only creature to come into play with +2/+0, +1/+1 and/or +0/+2 counters.

+1/+0 counter

+1/+2 counter

  • Armor Thrull from Fallen Empires is the first creature to produce a +1/+2 counter when sacrificed.

+2/+0 counter

  • Frankenstein's Monster from The Dark is the first and only creature to come into play with +2/+0, +1/+1 and/or +0/+2 counters.

+2/+2 counter

-0/-1 counter

-0/-2 counter

  • Spirit Shackle from Legends is the first enchantment aura to use -0/-2 counters.
  • Greater Werewolf from Homelands is the first creature to produce -0/-2 counters.

-1/-0 counter

-2/-1 counter

  • Contagion from Alliances is the first instant to produce -2/-1 counters.

-2/-2 counter

  • Ebon Praetor from Fallen Empires is the first creature that could receive a -2/-2 counter for not doing something. If you did do it instead it received a +1/+0 counter.

Age counter

Main article: Age counter

Age counter are exclusively used by cards with cumulative upkeep.

Aim counter

  • Hankyu from Champions of Kamigawa is the first artifact equipment to use aim counters.

Arrow counter

  • Archery Training from Urza's Destiny is the first enchantment - aura to use arrow counters.

Arrowhead counter

  • Serrated Arrows from Homelands is the first artifact to use arrowhead counters. It also produces -1/-1 counters.

Awakening counter

  • Liege of the Tangle from Scars of Mirrodin is the first creature to produce awakening counters.

Blaze counter

Blood counter

  • Bloodletter Quill from Ravnica: City of Guilds is the first artifact to use blood counters.
  • Rakdos Riteknife from Dissension is the first equipment to use blood counters.

Bounty counter

  • Bounty Hunter from Tempest is the first creature to produce bounty counters.

Bribery counter

Brick counter

  • Brick counters were introduced in Amonkhet on artifacts (monuments) that had two activations: one that has an effect and puts a brick counter on the artifact, and a second with a stronger version of the effect but only usable if you had three or more brick counters. This cycle was representing the constant monument-building that went on in ancient Egypt.[1][2]

Carrion counter

  • Originally, Osai Vultures from Legends used counters. It was given errata to use Carrion counters. It is the first creature to use carrion counters.

Charge counter

Main article: Charge counter

Charge counters belong to the most common counter types in Magic. The cards which produce these counters are listed here.

CRANK! counter

Main article: CRANK! counter

The CRANK! counter is exclusively connected to Contraption cards from Unstable.

Credit counter

Corpse counter

  • Originally, Scavenging Ghoul from Alpha just used counters. It was given errata to call them corpse counters. It is the first creature to use corpse counters.

Crystal counter

  • Prism Array from Battle for Zendikar was the first enchantment to use crystal counters.

Cube counter

  • Delif's Cube from Fallen Empiresis the first artifact to use cube counters.

Currency counter

  • Trade Caravan from Homelands is the first creature to use currency counters.

Death counter

Delay counter

Depletion counter

Main article: Depletion counter

Depletion counter are almost exclusively used for depletion lands.

Despair counter

Devotion counter

Divinity counter

Main article: Divinity counter

Divinity counters are used to make permanents indestructible.

Doom counter

  • Originally, Armageddon Clock from Antiquities just used counters. It was given errata to call them doom counters.

Dream counter

  • Originally, Rasputin Dreamweaver from Legends used counters. It was given errata to use dream counters.

Echo counter

  • Soul Echo from Mirage is the first enchantment to use echo counters.

Elixir counter

  • Essence Bottle from Tempest is the first artifact to use elixir counters.

Energy counter

  • Energy Vortex from Mirage was the first enchantment to use energy counters. It was them changed to use vortex counters instead, as energy counters were introduced in Kaladesh, Energy Vortex received an errata to use Vortex Counters instead.

As of Kaladesh, players can receive Energy Counters are placed on players and can be generated by multiple different ways, being spent to activate abilities or effects of certain cards (analogous to a seventh mana type).

Eon counter

Experience counter

Main article: Experience counter

Experience counter are placed on players, and are generated by the cycle of Generals from Commander 2015.

Eyeball counter

  • Jar of Eyeballs from Dark Ascension is the first artifact to use eyeball counters.

Fade counter

Main article: Fade counter

Fade counters are exclusively used by the Fading mechanic.

Fate counter

  • Oblivion Stone from Mirrodin is the first artifact to use fate counters.
  • Triad of Fates from Theros is the first creature to use fate counters.

Feather counter

Filibuster counter

  • Azor's Elocutors from Return to Ravnica is the first creature to use Filibuster counters.

Flood counter

Fungus counter

  • Mindbender Spores from Mirage is the first creature to produce fungus counters.
  • Sporogenesis from Urza's Sage is the first enchantment to produce fungus counters.

Fuse counter

  • Goblin Bomb from Weatherlight is the first enchantment non-aura to use fuse counters.
  • Incendiary from Urza's Destiny is the first enchantment aura to use fuse counters.
  • Powder Keg from Urza's Destiny is the first artifact to produce fuse counters.
  • Bomb Squad from Odyssey is the first creature to produce fuse counters.

Gem counter

  • Briber's Purse from Khans of Tarkir is the first artifact to use gem counters.

Glyph counter

  • Originally, Glyph of Delusion from Legends used counters. It was given errata to use glyph counters.

Gold counters

Growth counter

  • Malignant Growth from Mirage is the first enchantment non-aura to use growth counters.
  • Momentum from Urza's Destiny is the first enchantment aura to produce growth counters.

Hatchling counter

Healing counter

  • Fylgja from Ice Age is the first enchantment aura to use healing counters.
  • Ursine Fylgja from Coldsnap is the first creature to use healing counters.

Hoofprint counter

Hour counter

  • Midnight Oil from Kaladesh is the first enchantment to use hour counters.

Hourglass counter

Hunger counter

  • Originally, Fasting from The Dark used counters. It was given errata to use hunger counters. It is the first enchantment to use hunger counters.

Ice counter

Incubation counter

  • Originally, Triassic Egg from Legends used counters. It was given errata to use incubation counters. It is the first artifact to use incubation counters.

It was later given errata to use hatchling counters.

Currently, there is no card that uses incubation counters.

Infection counter

  • Diseased Vermin from Alliances is the first creature to use infection counters.
  • Festering Wound from Urza's Destiny is the first enchantment aura to use infection counters.

Intervention counter

  • Originally, Divine Intervention from Legends used counters. It was given errata to use intervention counters. It is the first enchantment to use intervention counters.

Isolation counter

  • Quarantine Field from Battle for Zendikar is the first enchantment to use isolation counters.

Javelin counter

Ki counter

Main article: Ki counter

Ki counters are created by certain permanents, whenever you cast a spirit or arcane spell.

Level counter

Main article: Level counter

Level counter are exclusively used by the Level up mechanic.

Lore counter

Loyalty counter

Main article: Loyalty counter

Planeswalkers, first introduced in Lorwyn, use loyalty counters as a substitute for life and for paying the costs of their abilities.

Luck counter

Magnet counter

  • Magnetic Web from Tempest is the first artifact to use magnet counters.

Manifestation counter

Mannequin counter

Mask counter

  • Originally, Illusionary Mask from Alpha didn’t use any counters. It was given errata to use mask counters to mark the face-down creature. Another errata removed the mention to said counters later, so that Illusionary Mask doesn't use counters at all.

Currently, there is no card that makes use of or references mask counters.

Matrix counter

  • Originally, Life Matrix from Legends used counters. It was given errata to use matrix counters.

Mine counter

  • Mine Layer from Odyssey is the first creature to use mine counters.

Mining counter

  • Gemstone Mine from Weatherlight is the first land to use mining counters.

Mire counter

  • Originally, Cyclopean Tomb from Alpha used tokens to mark lands it turned into swamps. It was given errata to use mire counters to keep track.

Music counter

  • Musician from Ice Age is the first creature to use music counters. It also uses age counters.

Muster counter

Net counter

  • Merseine from Fallen Empires is the first enchantment to use net counters.

Omen counter

Ore counter

  • Orcish Mine from Homelands is the first enchantment aura to use ore counters.

Page counter

  • Barrin's Codex from Urza's Saga is the first artifact to use page counters.
  • Private Research from Urza's Destiny is the first enchantment aura to produce page counters.

Pain counter

Paralyzation counter

  • Dread Wight from Ice Age is the first creature to use paralyzation counters.

Petal counter

  • Lotus Blossom from Urza's Saga is the first artifact to produce petal counters.

Petrification counter

  • Xathrid Gorgon from Magic 2013 is the first creature to produce petrification counters.

Phylactery counter

  • Phylactery Lich from Magic 2010 is the first creature to produce phylactery counters.

Pin counter

  • Originally, Voodoo Doll from Legends used counters. It was given errata to use pin counters. It is the first artifact to use pin counters.

Plague counter

  • Traveling Plague from Odyssey is the first enchantment to use plague counters. It produces plague counters automatically at the beginning of your upkeep.
  • Withering Hex from Onslaught produces plague counters whenever a player cycles a card.
  • Plague Boiler from Ravnica: City of Guilds is the first artifact that produces plague counters. It produces plague counters automatically at the beginning of your upkeep.

Poison counter

Main article: Poison counter

A player with ten or more poison counters loses the game. The cards which produce these counters are listed here.

Polyp counter

  • Coral Reef from Homelands is the first enchantment to use polyp counters. It also produces +0/+1 counters.

Pressure counter

  • Magma Mine from Visions is the first artifact to use pressure counters.
  • Hellion Crucible from Magic 2013 is the first land to use pressure counters.

Prey Counter

Pupa counter

  • Originally, Cocoon from Legends used counters. It was given errata to use pupa counters. Pupa by definition is the life stage of some insects undergoing transformation.

Quest counter

Main article: Quest counter

Quest counter are used for the Quests printed in Zendikar and Worldwake

Rust counter

  • Corrosion from Visions is the first enchantment to use rust counters. It also uses age counters because it has cumulative upkeep.

Scream counter

  • Originally, All Hallow's Eve from Legends used counters. It was given errata to use scream counters. It is the first sorcery to use scream counters. The card's ability is very much like Suspend.
  • Endless Scream from Tempest is the first Aura enchantment to use scream counters.

Shell counter

  • Roc Hatchling from Weatherlight is the first creature to use shell counters.

Shield counter

Shred counter

Sleep counter

  • Originally, Venarian Gold from Legends used counters. It was given errata to use sleep counters.

Sleight counter

  • Chromatic Armor from Ice Age is the first enchantment aura to use sleight counters.

Slime counter

  • Gutter Grime from Innistrad is the first enchantment to produce slime counters.

Soot counter

  • Smokestack from Urza's Saga is the first artifact to produce soot counters.

Spore counter

Main article: Spore counter

Spore counter are used as extra resource to create Saprolings.

Storage counter

Main article: Storage counter

Storage counter are exclusive used by storage lands.

Strife counter

  • Crescendo of War from Commander is the first enchantment to use strife counters.

Study counter

Theft counter

  • Night Dealings from Champions of Kamigawa is the first enchantment to use theft counters.

Tide counter

  • Homarid from Fallen Empires is the first creature to use tide counters.
  • Tidal Influence from Fallen Empires is the first enchantment to use tide counters.

Time counter

Main article: Time counter

Time counters are used to track upkeep. The cards which produce these counters are listed here.

Tower counter

  • Helix Pinnacle from Eventide is the first enchantment to use tower counters.

Training counter

  • Sensei Golden-Tail from Champions of Kamigawa is the first creature to use training counters.

Trap counter

  • Trap Digger from Scourge is the first creature to use trap counters.

Treasure counter

  • Legacy's Allure from Tempest is the first enchantment to use treasure counters.

Velocity counter

  • Tornado from Alliances is the first enchantment to use velocity counters. It also uses age counters because it has cumulative upkeep.

Verse counter

Main article: Verse counter

Almost all Verse counters are used to track upkeep.

Vitality counter

  • Originally, Living Artifact from Alpha used just counters. It was given errata to call them Vitality counters. It is the first enchantment aura to use vitality counters.

Volatile counter

Main article: Volatile counter

Volatile counters were never released. They were put on permanents. If the permanent went out of the battlefield, then the counter triggered and did 2 damage to a target opponent.

Wage counter

Winch counter

  • Mercadian Lift from Mercadian Masques is the first artifact to use winch counters.

Wind counter

  • Originally, Cyclone from Arabian Nights used chips. It was given errata to call them wind counters. It is the first enchantment to use wind counters.
  • Freyalise's Winds from Ice Age

Wish counter
