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[[File:{{#setmainimage:Tamiyo Compleated Sage.jpg}}|250px]]
Race Phyrexian Soratami Planeswalker
Formerly Soratami Planeswalker
Birthplace Oboro, Kamigawa
Lifetime Mending Era
Died Compleated 4561 AR
Died 4562 AR
Spouse Genku
Children Hiroku
Nashi (adopted)
A kitsune (adopted)
Relatives Umeyo (niece)
Center: {U}
Currently: {G}{W}{U}
Scryfall Search

Tamiyo (Japanese: タミヨウ; rōmaji: Tamiyō; Phyrexian: temDwooD, IPA: [tamʔjoʊʔ]) was a Phyrexian Moonfolk planeswalker from Kamigawa. She was the wife of Genku and the mother of Hiroku, Rumiyo, and Nashi. She was killed by The Wanderer while leading the attack on Kamigawa during New Phyrexia's Invasion of the Multiverse and returned as an animated story scroll.[1]

Appearance and characteristics

Tamiyo was a truth-seeker. She aimed to understand and to seek truth and recorded that truth for all time. She was reluctant to interfere.[2][3]

After she was compleated, Tamiyo's sense of family was warped to serve Phyrexia. She saw all of New Phyrexia as her family and sought to bring her adopted family members into its fold - and was known to constantly sing about doing so.[4]

Tamiyo's magic centered on the stories recorded in her scrolls, each story, when read, provided her with a different power. One of these scrolls would go on to serve as her memory at the event of her death. She had telepathic and telekinetic powers, and like all moonfolk, she was capable of flight. Her eye color was violet.[5]

After her compleation, her eyes were rimmed with black and dripped black tears.[1] Her head was able to swivel all the way around on her neck and her hands ended in claws. Her forehead now bore the Phyrexian symbol.

After her death, the memory of Tamiyo inhabits an animated story scroll.[1][6] She appears as densely packed floating characters in the shape of a woman's silhouette. Though she can speak, she cannot physically interact with the world. A light at the shape's center glows and dims as if breathing, and glows brighter when she speaks.[7]

Tamiyo was centered in blue, with secondary white and green mana.

Family and Story-Circle

Tamiyo and Genku had several children: among others, their son Hiroku, daughter Rumiyo and their adopted nezumi son Nashi. Another adopted child of theirs was a Kitsune.[8] Tamiyo's parents were still alive during her life and she had at least one sibling.[9]

Tamiyo had founded a small, informal story circle that exchanged stories about what happened in the Multiverse. Members of Tamiyo's Story-Circle included fellow planeswalkers Narset, Elspeth, Ajani Goldmane, Jace Beleren, Vraska[10] and possibly Dovin Baan.[11]

Tamiyo's Stories

Tamiyo traveled through the Multiverse collecting stories. She used these stories as catalysts for her magic. After her death, Nashi took possession of the scrolls.[6]



Tamiyo in her youth.

As a young student on Kamigawa, Tamiyo discovered a book from outside her plane.[12] The excitement she experienced thinking of the possibilities made her spark ignite and the secrets the Multiverse offered were a greater dream than any she had ever had. Each plane seemed to be an unexplored trove of knowledge to be brought back to the great scroll towers of Oboro. For Tamiyo, every plane held a mystery that made it unique, and she spent a great deal of time studying whatever she could. However, in the end, she always returned to her loved family and her husband Genku in Otawara.[2]


The Moon Sage.

On Innistrad, she investigated the mystery of the plane's great silver moon. Tamiyo observed Innistrad for many cycles, using her powers as a Planeswalker to gain insight into the forces the moon exerted on the world below. She watched with rapt attention how the moon affected the plane's werewolves and vampires, and she wrote extensive notes on the ebb and flow of violent frenzies about the moon's influence. Her curiosity eventually led her to the door of the famed Nephalian astronomancer Jenrik. Tamiyo spent months in his moonstone tower pouring over countless charts, adding her observations to his collection about the odd power the moon holds over the denizens and populace of the plane.

When Avacyn was freed from the Helvault Tamiyo excitedly began writing theories about the angel's influence on the land, its creatures, and the moon. The nature of the Helvault, the creation of the wolfir, the reappearance of the gryffs, and the origins of the newly empowered holy wards filled her scrolls with further questions.

Meeting with other planeswalkers

In the months after the opening of the Helvault, Tamiyo returned for a short visit home with her family. During that time, Ajani Goldmane visited her from Theros where he had witnessed Elspeth's death. She allowed him to stay until he was ready to move on.[9]

Tamiyo and Nissa seal Emrakul in Innistrad's moon.

Shadows over Innistrad

After Avacyn went mad through Nahiri's machinations, Tamiyo started to investigate this new phenomenon. She only wanted to understand and didn't want to destroy Avacyn, because the angel warded the entire plane against unknown evils. However, Jace Beleren persuaded her to face Avacyn together.[2] When they confronted Avacyn, they almost lost the fight. In the end, Sorin Markov showed up and destroyed his creation himself.[13] After the last Innistrad's last protection had vanished, Jace and Tamiyo witnessed the arrival of the third Eldrazi titan, Emrakul. Jace immediately went to fetch the Gatewatch.[14]

Joining forces with the Gatewatch, Tamiyo deduced that Emrakul could not be defeated like the other Titans, but had to be sealed instead. Pointing to the moon as the origin of the Helvault, she combined forces with Jace and Nissa to seal Emrakul. While the spell seemed to fail at first, Tamiyo took out one of her iron-clad scrolls and the spell succeeded in sealing the titan. Afterward, Gideon Jura approached her and offered her a place in the Gatewatch, but Tamiyo declined, shaken by the experience.

Later, she and Jace met in an abandoned chapel. She revealed that she had been possessed and that the scroll's spell had not been of her design, but of Emrakul. She left afterward, leaving Jace to ponder what Emrakul's plan was.[15]

Tamiyo attacked by Kefnet, in Ravnica.

War of the Spark

Tamiyo traveled with the Gatewatch to Ravnica for the final confrontation with Bolas and immediately became trapped there due to Bolas's use of the Immortal Sun. She initially wished to simply observe the conflict without directly getting involved. However, while recording the events of the war, she was forced to put her neutrality aside when confronted by the God-Eternal Kefnet.[16] Alongside many other planeswalkers and Ravnicans, she fought against the Eternals of Bolas' Dreadhorde.[17]

During the invasion, the trapped planeswalkers - including Tamiyo - met with Ravnican leaders to strategize the plane's defense. Tamiyo was one of the few planeswalkers who chose to remain on Ravnica after Chandra disabled the Immortal Sun, helping the Gatewatch in their fight against Bolas.

After the War, Tamiyo participated in the memorial service for Gideon on Theros.[18]

Neon Dynasty

After being captured by Tezzeret, Tamiyo is compleated as the first Phyrexian planeswalker by Jin-Gitaxias.

With Kaito Shizuki pursuing Nashi, Tamiyo intercepted the former, worried about her son. After learning that Kaito was really after Tezzeret and Jin-Gitaxias, she proposed an alliance. She advocated patience, but Kaito rushed in and was almost killed, narrowly being saved by the Emperor, and he escaped with the Reality Chip he managed to steal.

Later, they went to Eiganjo Castle, hoping to fix the Emperor's spark. Tamiyo applied the Reality Chip to the Emperor's hand, and while it did seem to help, it also showed that it was still linked to the old research facilities Jin-Gitaxias was using. At that moment, they were attacked by Asari Uprisers, so Kaito and Tamiyo went back to destroy the old research facilities while the Emperor stayed behind to help the battle. Unfortunately, Jin-Gitaxias and Tezzeret ambushed them, noting that he truly needed planeswalkers to experiment on. The Emperor saw what was happening through her new link, and intervened to save them. Tamiyo captured Tezzeret with a spell of paralysis, and Kaito knocked him out after he was still able to manipulate machines while paralyzed.

To quickly return to the battle at the castle, Tamiyo took possession of the Reality Chip from the Emperor to hotwire a nearby mech so they could fly back, carrying Tezzeret with them. As they arrived, Tezzeret awoke and caused the mech to crash, freeing him from the spell and allowing him to take control of the Reality Chip, and thus, Tamiyo. Tezzeret then used the Planar Bridge to kidnap Tamiyo and take her back to New Phyrexia.

Afterward, Tamiyo was compleated by Jin-Gitaxias, becoming the first Phyrexian planeswalker.[19] She was cut open and flayed, her organs removed and replaced with glands that swam in oily ichor, an acid liver, and black metal bones.[4] Her nails were extended.

March of the Machine

As New Phyrexia's Invasion of the Multiverse began, Elesh Norn sent Tamiyo back to Towashi on Kamigawa to conquer her home plane.[20]

She corrupted Boseiju, which began leaking glistening oil. Tamiyo was then faced by Kaito and her adoptive son Nashi. After trying to recruit Kaito and Nashi to the ranks of New Phyrexia, Tamiyo engaged Kaito in battle. At the last possible moment, the Wanderer appeared and killed Tamiyo. However, a spiritual memory of what she once was manifested and comforted her son, and later took up residence in their home. The Wanderer somberly realized that Tamiyo had chosen her death, as she had deliberately missed her attacks and had silently beseeched the Wanderer to look after Nashi in her stead.[1] In the aftermath of the invasion, her memory and Nashi returned to her husband Genku.[7]


Artifacts acquired

Tamiyo's Journal
  • Tamiyo carried scrolls and journals where she wrote down her stories, discoveries, and magics. Among these scrolls were some with very dangerous spells that she kept bound in iron seals.
    • One such iron-sealed scroll contained a "story unending" of Tamiyo herself, manifesting in the form of an enchantment creature with her pre-compleation personality. Tamiyo unsealed this scroll before allowing the Wanderer to strike her down, activating this story and allowing her to persist in a fashion after her death. Tamiyo's story is fully aware that she is not the original Tamiyo, and laments how her unsealing means that Tamiyo died.
  • After she underwent Phyrexian compleation, she kept her records in artifacts called Tamiyo's Notebook and Tamiyo's Logbook.
  • The Reality Chip.

Planeswalkers met

Planes visited


Story appearances

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Drownyard Temple Mel Li 2016-04-06 Shadows over Innistrad Innistrad Jace Beleren, Jenrik, Tamiyo, Liliana Vess, Emrakul
Stories and Endings Nik Davidson 2016-05-11 Shadows over Innistrad Innistrad Tamiyo, Jace Beleren, Avacyn
I Am Avacyn Doug Beyer 2016-05-18 Shadows over Innistrad Innistrad Tamiyo, Jace Beleren, Avacyn, Sorin Markov
Emrakul Rises Kimberly J. Kreines 2016-06-22 Eldritch Moon Innistrad Nahiri, Emrakul, Maeli, Sadie, Edith, Halana, Alena, Kolman, Bruna, Gisela, Brisela, Jace Beleren, Tamiyo, Chandra, Gideon
The Promised End Ken Troop 2016-07-27 Eldritch Moon Innistrad Liliana Vess, the Gatewatch, Tamiyo, Emrakul, Raven Man, Erebos
Release Chris L'Etoile 2016-10-05 Kaladesh Kamigawa, Kaladesh Ajani Goldmane, Nashi, Umeyo, Hiroku, Rumiyo, Tamiyo, Genku, Vatti, Dayal, Tamni, Mihir, Chandra Nalaar, Nissa Revane, Oviya Pashiri
Episode 3: An Unexpected Alliance Akemi Dawn Bowman 2022-01-25 Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Kamigawa Kaito Shizuki, Himoto, Mud-Tail, Tamiyo, Nashi, Jin-Gitaxias, The Wanderer
Episode 4: The Break-In Akemi Dawn Bowman 2022-01-26 Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Kamigawa The Wanderer, Kaito Shizuki, Tamiyo, Kyodai, Light-Paws, Eiko Shizuki, Tezzeret, Jin-Gitaxias
Episode 5: Threads of War Akemi Dawn Bowman 2022-01-26 Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Kamigawa The Wanderer, Kaito Shizuki, Himoto Tezzeret, Tamiyo, Kyodai, Risona, Light-Paws, Eiko Shizuki, Jin-Gitaxias
Assault on New Phyrexia - Episode 5: Inevitable Resolutions Seanan McGuire 2023-01-16 Phyrexia: All Will Be One New Phyrexia Jace Beleren, Kaito Shizuki, Himoto, Kaya Cassir, Elspeth Tirel, Ajani Goldmane, Tyvar Kell, Tibalt, Elesh Norn, Tamiyo, Nahiri, Nissa Revane
March of the Machine - Episode 1: Triumph of the Fleshless K. Arsenault Rivera 2023-03-15 March of the Machine New Phyrexia Elesh Norn, Kaya Cassir, Kaito Shizuki, Himoto, Tyvar Kell, Lukka, Rothga, Ajani Goldmane, Sheoldred, Jace Beleren, Nahiri, Nissa Revane, Tamiyo, Atraxa, Ephara
March of the Machine - Episode 3: Mother, Son and Story K. Arsenault Rivera 2023-03-17 March of the Machine Kamigawa Tamiyo, Kaito Shizuki, Himoto, Kaya Cassir, Nashi, The Wanderer, Kyodai
March of the Machine - Episode 10: The Rhythms of Life K. Arsenault Rivera 2023-03-28 March of the Machine Kamigawa, Kaldheim, Kaladesh, Zhalfir, New Phyrexia Nashi, Tamiyo, Tyvar Kell, Harald, Pia Nalaar, Karn, Teferi Akosa, Kaya Cassir, Thrun, Koth of the Hammer, Ajani Goldmane, Nissa Revane, Chandra Nalaar, Melira, Saheeli Rai, Elspeth Tirel
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Epilogue 2: Bring the End, Part 2 Alison Lührs 2024-04-02 Outlaws of Thunder Junction Vryn, Ravnica, Eldraine, Ixalan, Thunder Junction Jace Beleren, Vraska, Ranna Beleren, Tezzeret, Tamiyo, Eriette, Breeches, Malcolm Lee, Alquist Proft, Etrata, Izoni, Loot

In-game references

Represented in:
Associated cards:
Depicted in:
Quoted or referred to:
Tamiyo's Journal:


  1. a b c d K. Arsenault Rivera (March 17, 2023). "March of the Machine - Episode 3: Mother, Son, and Story". magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  2. a b c Nik Davidson (May 11, 2016). "Stories and Endings". magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  3. Ari Zirulnik, Grace Fong, Emily Teng, and Gerritt Turner (February 11, 2022). "The Legends of Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty". magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  4. a b Reinhardt Suarez (January 17, 2023). "A Man of Parts". magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  5. a b c Akemi Dawn Bowman (January 25, 2022). "Episode 3: An Unexpected Alliance". magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  6. a b Akemi Dawn Bowman (March 19, 2024). "A Long Way from Home". magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  7. a b K. Arsenault Rivera (March 28, 2023). "March of the Machine - Episode 10: The Rhythms of Life". magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  8. Magic: The Gathering (May 21, 2024). "Genku is Tamiyo's husband, and the tokens he creates are their children.". Twitter.
  9. a b c Chris L'Etoile (October 5, 2016). "Release". magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  10. As depicted on Tamiyo Meets the Story Circle
  11. Chris L'Etoile (August 29, 2016). "Homesick". magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  12. The Preview Panel - MagicCon Chicago (Video). Magic: The Gathering. YouTube (February 23 2024).
  13. Doug Beyer (May 18, 2016). "I Am Avacyn". magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  14. Kimberly J. Kreines (June 20, 2016). "Emrakul Rises". magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  15. Ken Troop (July 27, 2016). "The Promised End". magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  16. Tamiyo's Epiphany
  17. Greg Weisman (April 2019). "War of the Spark: Ravnica". Del Rey.
  18. Greg Weisman (November 2019). "War of the Spark: Forsaken". Del Rey.
  19. a b Akemi Dawn Bowman (January 27, 2022). "Episode 5: Threads of War". magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  20. a b c K. Arsenault Rivera (March 16, 2023). "March of the Machine - Episode 1: Triumph of the Fleshless". magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  21. Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Official Animated Trailer - Magic: The Gathering (Video). Magic: The Gathering. YouTube (February 15, 2022).
  22. Ren Hanami as Tamiyo. IMDB.
  23. An Ode to Magic - Modern Horizons 3 Debut (Video). Magic: The Gathering. YouTube (May 21, 2024).
  24. a b Seanan McGuire (2022). Magic: Ajani Goldmane. Wizards of the Coast.
  25. a b c Seanan McGuire (January 16, 2023). "Assault On New Phyrexia - Episode 5: Inevitable Resolutions". magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  26. Akemi Dawn Bowman (January 26, 2022). "Episode 4: The Break-In". magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  27. See background for Tamiyo, the Moon Sage (Mythic Edition)

External links

  • Tamiyo. Planeswalker Biography. Wizards of the Coast.