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Race Enchantment Orochi
Birthplace Kamigawa
Lifetime Mending Era

Shigeki is a orochi druid enchantment creature and leader of the Order of Jukai in Kamigawa.


The Order was founded when Shigeki, communing with a powerful nature kami, experienced a prophetic vision of the spirit realm shattering. Convinced that the stress of all these new technological developments was ripping apart the spirit realm, he decided to take action before the fabric of reality was irreparably damaged. The Order quickly grew as others joined and shared similar visions they'd had. Aided by a mysterious kami that refers to itself simply as "Mori", Shigeki advocates swift, destructive action against centers of technological innovation.[1]


  • The image files for WizKids's miniatures name this character Shirito, indicating the character's name was changed after the miniature was commissioned.

In-game references

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