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Race Human
Birthplace Kamigawa
Lifetime Mending Era

Raiyuu is a human samurai and captain in the Asari Uprisers in Kamigawa.


Raiyuu and his team went to free a Sokenzan village from a group of unfair Imperial tax collectors. But their battle was interrupted by a deadly thunderstorm brewing above them. Raiyuu's friends were caught in an avalanche and quickly arrested by the Imperials. Raiyuu knelt on that cliff with his sword held out in a gesture of surrender, hoping to trade it to save his men's lives, when lightning struck its blade. Somehow, instead of killing him, the storm imbued him with the power of lightning and thunder. He single-handedly freed his friends and became a hero to the rest of the Asari uprisers.[1]

In-game references

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