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Race Dragon Spirit
Birthplace Kamigawa
Lifetime Mending Era

Kairi is a dragon spirit from Kamigawa. He is the reincarnation of Keiga.


The reincarnation of Keiga, the divine dragon of islands, Kairi continued to protect Minamo until Minamo's decline late in the Shattered States Era. When Otawara began to rise as the preeminent center of learning and innovation, they sought out Kairi for the dragon's protection, but Kairi was suspicious of the moonfolks' intentions and refused. Nowadays he spends most of his time exploring the oceans and skies of Kamigawa, discovering mysteries that he keeps to himself.[1] He is rarely seen outside of festivals or ritual events.[2]

Phyrexian Invasion

The most cool-headed and practical of all the spirit dragons, Kairi knew that if Kamigawa were to survive, it would need all the help it could get, even if that help came from less-than-desirable sources — like a certain demon, currently locked away in the spirit realm. Hidetsugu was surprised to find that his jailbreaker was none other than the reincarnation of the dragon he had slain. Amused by Kairi's request for assistance and happy for the chance to wreak havoc, Hidetsugu agreed to fight alongside the dragon. Kairi still vividly retains the memories of his previous reincarnation's death, and while they're on the same side for the time being, as soon as Hidetsugu is not needed, Kairi will seize the opportunity to lock him up once again.[3]


In-game references

Represented in:
Depicted in:


  1. Ari Zirulnik, Grace Fong, Emily Teng, and Gerritt Turner (February 11, 2022). "The Legends of Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty". magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  2. Miyuki Jane Pinckard (2022). Selected Field Reports on Kami. Beadle & Grimm's Platinum Edition Set.
  3. Emily Teng (April 13, 2023). "The Legendary Team-Ups of March of the Machine". magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.