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Race Human
Birthplace Kamigawa

Kenzo (KEHN-zoh)[1] the Hardhearted was a human samurai of Kamigawa.


Kenzo was a veteran, high-ranking samurai in the daimyo Takeshi Konda's service during the time of the Kami War. He started as a Bushi Tenderfoot, a young soldier like any other who became grimmer upon taking their first life on the field. During his service, his family died under unknown circumstances. Before the war, Kenzo prayed to Kataki to sharpen his swords and harden his armor. Without this blessing, their equipment in the war was much weaker. Kenzo died during the war and rejoiced to see his family again but was returned to the battlefield by Yomiji.

In-game references

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  1. Magic Arcana (September 14, 2004). "A Kamigawa Glossary, Part 1". Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on October 17, 2022.