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[[File:{{#setmainimage:Nivix Cyclops.jpg}}|250px]]
Race Cyclops
Birthplace Ravnica
Lifetime Mending Era

Yzaak was an Izzet cyclops, attendant to the scientist and guildmage Madarrak on the plane of Ravnica.


After discovering a homing beacon behind a wall in his laboratory, Madarrak was bid by Niv-Mizzet to seek out the beacon's maker, the lost chemister Erno Zslod, who mysteriously vanished more than thirty years earlier. Although Erno had been presumed dead, the fact that the homing beacon was still actively moving, suggested otherwise.

Madarrak brought his apprentice Castan and Yzaak himself with him, following the device into the Undercity of Ravnica. The beacon brought them deeper and deeper into the old ruins. They noticed Golgari sentries following them, but staying hidden in the dark tunnels. Feeling unsafe, Madarrak bid the large and powerful Yzaak to stand guard through the way they had come.

Further in, Madarrak and Castan were separated, and Madarrak ran back to get Yzaak while being chased by a horde of kraul. But something had happened to Yzaak in the meantime - he had been the victim of Abrupt Decay, and the cyclops was now in a heavy state of putrefaction, overgrown with rust and moss. Madarrak despaired seeing his old friend in this state, and teleportaled away, leaving Yzaak's corpse to molder.

Story appearances

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
The Pursuit, Part 1 Ari Levitch 2013-05-01 Dragon's Maze Ravnica Madarrak, Castan, Yzaak, Niv-Mizzet, Pelener, Erno Zslod
The Pursuit, Part 2 Ari Levitch 2013-05-14 Dragon's Maze Ravnica Madarrak, Castan, Erno Zslod, Johrum, Yzaak

In-game references

Represented in:
Associated cards:
