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An Izzet chemister
Race Human
Birthplace Ravnica
Lifetime Mending Era

Trenz is a white-haired Izzet chemister with a crooked nose from Ravnica, who performed an epic experiment for Niv-Mizzet.[1]


On Experiment Day, Trenz set up his equipment to run a series of tests involving magic, science, and sheer luck. The day's tests numbered four and included the Aerial-Antistasis Chamber, the Spatial Ectofractalyzer, the Megathermal Geolometer, and the Neural Schisatrode.

The first test involved a combination of the Aerial-Antistatis Chamber, Mizzium coils, and a Firemist field. This created a Cyclonic Rift that tore through the abandoned block called the Empty Cup Row, clearing away the rubble that Selesnyan missionaries had been trying to remove for a long time.

The second test included the Spatial Ectofractalyzer and some Ocular dust in the bolt hole. Trenz inhaled too much dust and accidentally received a teleportal to the bowels of the Undercity just next to Mr. Taz and Krenko, granting them access to the Orzhov inner sanctum.

The third test utilized the Megathermal Geolometer and the Mizzium coils, which triggered an activation of Mizzium Mortars. The destruction was so widespread that even the Bloodwitches of the Cult of Rakdos, nestled in their pleasure clubs in Rix Maadi, took notice. In the aftermath, the Cult created a new feast day - the Festival of Fire-Rain Bloodletting Mayhem Neighbor Appreciation Day.

Lastly, Trenz tested the Neural Schisatrode. Air rushed in through his ears, and he raised his Zygon Cuff, causing the room to erupt in lightning and pure, unadulterated genius. The reward of his Epic Experiment was in his grasp at last.

Story appearances

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Epic Experiment Jenna Helland 2012-09-12 Return to Ravnica Ravnica Trenz, Mr. Taz, Krenko


  1. Jenna Helland (September 12, 2012). "Epic Experiment". Archived from the original on December 5, 2021.