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Race Human
Birthplace Ravnica
Lifetime Mending Era

Rinni was a Rakdos ring member on the plane of Ravnica. His final performance was a Showstopper which was so elaborate it made the demon Rakdos himself laugh out loud.


Rinni was part of a three-pronged act along with Nikori and Ginoria. They had served their Rakdos ring for years and were approaching their final act when Rinni was contacted by a girl named Lunicia who wanted to join their ring. Rinni initially refused to sign a contract with her, angered her, and she spit in his face. An Orzhov priest named Silar took offense to this and offered to track the girl down, but Rinni declined, thinking the girl had spirit.

Rinni later tracked down the girl herself, sitting in the rafters watching the performance of Minyuli, another ring member. Rinni chatted amicably with Lunicia, impressed by her motivation and budding skill. He warned her of the dangers involved, but when she persisted, he finally signed the paper, allowing her to become a member of their ring. He told her to pay close attention to the trio's upcoming finishing act.

Rinni had bought several alchemical potions, elixirs, and ointments from a large variety of guild sources, including an electrified Izzet potion of high potency. This was all in preparation for his last act, where Rinni, Nikori, and Ginoria all drank the concoctions, and entered the stage for the last time. With newfound abilities, they could spray oil and fire from their fingertips, launching an epic spray of fireworks from their very bodies. In the end, all three of them went out with a bang - a true Showstopper. The audience was then rocked by the cackling of the demon Rakdos, who was immensely pleased with the show. This performance would go down in history, with everyone clamoring over each other to try to grab a piece of memorabilia. Lunicia herself, having watched the whole show, swallowed her grief over the three dead performers, and resolved to set up a show in the future that would outdo this performance and cause Rakdos to not just chuckle, but roar with pleasure.

Story appearances

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Life in the Ring Sam Stoddard 2013-05-08 Dragon's Maze Ravnica Rinni, Nikori, Ginoria, Silar, Minyuli, Lunicia
