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Race Human
Birthplace Ravnica
Lifetime Mending Era
Relatives Lavinia (sister)

Jek was an Azorius hieromancer in-training on the plane of Ravnica, and Lavinia's brother. After obtaining a Dimir key, he was killed by a band of Rakdos who were hunting for him.


Jek and his sister Vinni had obtained a Dimir-marked key, evidence of a crime. The Dimir wanted the key back and organized a band of Rakdos led by an albino man to hunt the two siblings down.

For a while, Jek and Vinni hid in an apartment in the Ninth District, but they were tracked down by the Rakdos and had to flee into the streets. As a rampaging Spike Jester drew close to them, Jek gave his sister a dagger that glowed with Azorius sigils. Jek then cast a binding glyph on the jester and kicked him away. Jek and Vinni bolted from the ruined apartment and tried to find new refuge elsewhere. They were caught up by the albino and a chain-wielding ogre, however. Vinni was knocked down by the albino, while the ogre cut open Jek's shoulder and sent him sprawling. Jek tried to bind the albino with his magic, but his magic was countered by an anti-magic barrier. Amid the ogre's flailing chains, Jek struggled to prevail, but the albino managed to slice his chest with a blade.

As Jek lay dying, he then witnessed his sister Vinni avenging him by stabbing the albino through his throat with her dagger. Jek managed a last spell, augmenting the dagger with blue fire, which Vinni then used to stab the ogre multiple times until it was dead.

Vinni ran over to her brother and held him in her arms. He weakly fumbled the Dimir key out of his pocket and gave it to her, bidding her go to the Jelenn column and give it to Halok in the school of hieromancers. With his last breath, Jek told Vinni - Lavinia, as her full name was, to be strong, then died in her arms.

Story appearances

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
The One Hundred Steps Adam Lee 2013-05-22 Dragon's Maze Ravnica Jek, Vinni, Halok
