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Bartek was mugged in an alley as part of Andra's setup.
Race Human
Birthplace Ravnica
Lifetime Mending Era

Bartek is a young, tall and strong crate loader on Ravnica who fell into a setup by the Bane Alley broker Andra.


After finishing his day's work by loading crates onto a cart for his boss Zifka, Bartek received his pay including a bit of hush money. With six zinos and eighty zibs to his name, he crossed through the Tin Street Market and encountered the stall vendor Imrich who offered him a pewter necklace, which he haggled into costing eighty zibs. With his remaining six zinos, he continued, and encountered the thug Nico, who at first teased him about the necklace and its prospective targets, but then turned serious and warned him that the girl he was going to give it to was a shop-girl, flirting with Bartek only to get his money, and not out of any actual romantic interest.

After Bartek told Nico off, he entered Bane Alley, the seediest street in the area where most people quickly passed through with their eyes downcast. Here she was, the Bane Alley broker, Andra. Bartek offered her the pewter necklace as a gift, and after some banter, she accepted it.

Andra then offered to sell Bartek a dagger for five zinos. It was exquisitely crafted, with a gently curved blade. The metal was dark, almost black, and finely polished. It was a gorgeous blade, and just the right size - small enough to wear openly without looking like a bravo, but big enough to make people just a tiny bit nervous. Bartek remembered Nico's warning, but he could not see how Andra would sell him something that fine for so little money without a genuine interest in romancing him - so he bought it, leaving a single zino to his name.

On the way to work the next day, Bartek was mugged. Two thugs grabbed him, knocked him over his head, and stole his dagger. Andra offered Bartek the five zinos back, but he refused her, saying the dagger was his to lose. Bartek walked home to sleep off his headache, unaware that Andra herself had staged the mugging, and that she was a Dimir agent.

Story appearances

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
The Hard Sell Kelly Digges 2013-03-19 Gatecrash Ravnica Bartek, Zifka, Imrich, Nico, Andra
