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Race Dryad
Birthplace Ravnica
Lifetime Mending Era

Ambrellin is a dryad, part of the Selesnya Conclave on the plane of Ravnica, and friend of Terrik.


Ambrellin is a dryad with a calm demeanor that is often betrayed by subtle tells, such as the crinkling of her eyes. Her skin fades into rough bark around her temples. Her hair, which harbors nesting finches, adds a whimsical yet grounded element to her character. Ambrellin's attire and movements reflect her connection to nature; she wears branches that wind down her arms and a necklace made of autumnal leaves. Her interactions, marked by gentle but firm gestures, showcase her nurturing and caring nature, which is balanced by a practical and sometimes stern approach to problems.

Ambrellin embodies the principles of harmony and community central to her Selesnyan upbringing. She is a patient and supportive friend, as evidenced by her willingness to house Terrik despite the chaos he brings into her life. However, her patience has limits, and she doesn't shy away from expressing her frustrations when pushed too far. Ambrellin's dedication to maintaining balance and tranquility is evident in her efforts to mediate conflicts and resolve issues, such as the complaints from her neighbors. Despite the occasional irritation, she remains compassionate and protective, especially towards those she cares about, like Terrik and the young orphan Bazda.


Ambrellin, Terrik's friend and host, challenged him about his unresolved grief and obsession with atoning for his past mistakes. Terrik's internal conflict was exacerbated by his strained relationship with his Selesnyan community due to the accident. Terrik navigated dangerous streets haunted by memories of the accident, encountering thugs and grappling with the shadows of his past.

Driven by a desire for redemption, Terrik proposed a daring adventure to explore beneath the ruined Orzhov basilica, hoping to unearth artifacts that might help Bazda and prove his worth to his friends. Their exploration led to a catacomb where they discovered ancient relics and faced unexpected dangers, including collapsing structures and the betrayal of their wurm companion.

Terrik, along with his companions Savaryn, Ambrellin, and Bazda, found themselves trapped in a subterranean corridor after a collapse. Despite their initial frustrations and injuries, they began to stack rubble to create a way out. However, tensions flared, particularly between Terrik and Ambrellin, who finally voiced her grievances about his behavior. As they navigated their predicament, they discovered an underground operation run by a desperate Orzhov pontiff, exploiting ancient Izzet technology to mint gold coins from copper.

Terrik's group was forced into labor, but Terrik formulated a plan to escape. He discovered that one of the spirits working for the pontiff was Bazda's mother, and learned of the machine's missing piece, which Bazda had secretly stashed. When the pontiff's demands and threats became unbearable, Terrik seized an opportunity to disrupt the operation by destroying the pontiff's contract book, temporarily freeing the spirits.

Terrik managed to push the pontiff into a pit, where he suffered injuries but survived, while the thrull followed to aid him. Meanwhile, Ambrellin successfully activated the machine with Savaryn's help, producing enough gold to pay off their debts. When the pontiff returned, grotesquely fused with the thrull, he was furious but ultimately powerless as Terrik asserted their freedom by paying off their debts.

Finally, the group escaped the catacombs by riding one of Terrik's trained wurms to the surface, sustaining each other with healing spells. They reunited with Bazda's parents and offered them a fresh start. Despite the trials, the group's bond was reaffirmed, and they found hope and possibility in their future, united and stronger than before.

Story appearances

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Bound and Bonded Nicky Drayden 2018-11-14 Guilds of Ravnica Ravnica Selesnya Conclave, Terrik, Ambrellin, Bazda, Savaryn, Kellim, Sadruna, Kadin, Zavora


  1. Nicky Drayden (November 14, 2018). "Bound and Bonded". Wizards of the Coast.