[["Set Information",[{"data":"<span style=\"font-size: 2em;\" class=\"ss ss-common ss-spm\"></span>","label":"Set symbol"},{"data":"[[Corey Bowen]] (lead)","label":"Design"},{"data":"[[Corey Bowen]] (lead)","label":"Development"},{"data":"2025","label":"Release date"},{"data":"TBA","label":"Set size"},{"data":"SPM'\"`UNIQ--ref-00000000-QINU`\"'","label":"Expansion code"}]],["[[Standard]]",[{"data":"<table class=\"infobox\" style=\"padding:0;border:none;margin:-3px;width:auto;min-width:100%;font-size:100%;clear:none;float:none;background-color:transparent\"><tr><th scope=\"row\" style=\"font-weight:normal; font-size: 90%; text-align: center; width:33%;\">''[[Edge of Eternities]]''</th><td>\n</td><td style=\"font-weight:normal; font-size: 90%; text-align: center; width:34%;\">\n''[[Marvel's Spider-Man]]''</td><td style=\"font-weight:normal; font-size: 90%; text-align: center; width:33%;\">\n''[[Unannounced Universes Beyond]]''</td></tr></table>"}]],["[[Universes Beyond]]",[{"data":"<table class=\"infobox\" style=\"padding:0;border:none;margin:-3px;width:auto;min-width:100%;font-size:100%;clear:none;float:none;background-color:transparent\"><tr><th scope=\"row\" style=\"font-weight:normal; font-size: 90%; text-align: center; width:33%;\">''[[Final Fantasy]]''</th><td>\n</td><td style=\"font-weight:normal; font-size: 90%; text-align: center; width:34%;\">\n''[[Marvel's Spider-Man]]''</td><td style=\"font-weight:normal; font-size: 90%; text-align: center; width:33%;\">\n''[[Unannounced Universes Beyond]]''</td></tr></table>"}]]]
Marvel's Spider-Man
Set Information Set symbol
Corey Bowen (lead) Development
Corey Bowen (lead) Release date
2025 Set size
TBA Expansion code
SPM[ 1] Standard
Universes Beyond
Marvel's Spider-Man is an upcoming tentpole set in the Magic: The Gathering Universes Beyond series released by Wizards of the Coast .[ 2] [ 3] The set is expected to release in 2025.[ 4] [ 5] [ 6] Marvel's Spider-Man is Standard legal and can be counted as the 107th Magic expansion.
Set details
Friendly, Amazing, Spectacular
This is the first major release in a series of products created for Magic: The Gathering by Hasbro (Wizards of the Coast ) in collaboration with Marvel Entertainment .[ 7] It is themed around the superhero Spider-Man .[ 8]
This is a cross-over product based on the Marvel Universe , a fictional shared universe where the stories in most American comic book titles and other media published by Marvel Comics take place. It is notably based on the original comics , and not on the Marvel Cinematic Universe .
According to Aaron Forsythe , Spider-Man is the most iconic character that Marvel has: “He has cross-generational appeal, one of the longest-running heroes and huge media success recently with the Into the Spider-Verse movies, which […] hint at what the breadth of an offering based just around Spider-Man could be [in Magic ]. And I’m not going to give away too much more, but it doesn’t get much bigger from Marvel than Spider-Man.”[ 6]
As a tentpole set, Marvel's Spider-Man features randomized boosters for Limited as a main component, but also has accompanying products, like Commander decks , associated with it.[ 9]
External links
↑ lieyanqzu (October 21, 2024). "Marvel Spider-Man Setcode is SPM ". Reddit.
↑ Collaboration Announcement (Video). Magic: The Gathering . YouTube (October 23, 2023).
↑ Wizards of the Coast (October 23, 2023). "The Magic: The Gathering - Marvel Collaboration Begins ". magicthegathering.com . Wizards of the Coast.
↑ Chase Carter (October 23, 2023). "Marvel’s pop culture domination spreads to Magic: the Gathering in 2025 ". Dicebreaker.com.
↑ Brian David-Marshall (October 18, 2024). "Finally, why wasn’t the most iconic New York superhero featured in one of the Superdrops? ". Bluesky.
↑ a b Maddy Myers (October 18, 2024). "First Marvel characters in Magic are Captain America, Iron Man, Black Panther, Wolverine, and Storm ". Polygon.com.
↑ Hasbro and Marvel Team Up to Bring Popular Marvel Characters and Stories to Magic: The Gathering in Multi-Year, Multi-Set Deal . Businesswire.com (October 23, 2023).
↑ Mark Rosewater (October 20, 2024). "Is the Marvel set that was announced for next year the same set as the spider man set they announced yesterday? ". Blogatog . Tumblr.
↑ Mark Rosewater (August 8, 2023). "Does tentpole include commander? ". Blogatog . Tumblr.
Special sets
Special series
Supplemental sets
Un sets
Commemorative sets