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Race Human
Birthplace Kamigawa
Lifetime Mending Era
Born c. 4492 AR[1]

Naomi is a human advisor of the Imperial Court in Kamigawa.


The daughter of an Imperial advisor, Naomi grew up with a taste for power, driven by the desire to do the best for Kamigawa.[2] A master politician, she carefully cultivates relationships both inside and outside of the Imperials, always on the lookout for opportunities to improve Imperial policy and, by extension, her own power and influence within the court. After all, just because you're working for the greater good doesn't mean you have to neglect your own personal gains. Most recently, she's been reaching out to some of the most powerful Reckoner bosses in Towashi, though to what end, she keeps carefully to herself.

Neon Dynasty

Around 4561 AR, Naomi ordered Norika Yamazaki to go to Sokenzanshi to solve problems caused by the Asari Uprisers.[3]


  • During design, Naomi's name was Haruko.[1]

Story appearances

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Heiko and Norika Abbey Mei Otis 2022-02-09 Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Kamigawa Norika Yamazaki, Heiko Yamazaki, Chiye, Risona, Naomi

In-game references

Represented in:


  1. a b Joshua Raphael (January 29, 2022). "The process". Twitter.
  2. Ari Zirulnik, Grace Fong, Emily Teng, and Gerritt Turner (February 11, 2022). "The Legends of Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty". Wizards of the Coast.
  3. Abbey Mei Otis (February 9, 2022). "The Foes Who Make Us". Wizards of the Coast.