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Race Robot

D00-DL is a robot and Caricaturist who works for Myra the Magnificent's Intergalactic Astrotorium of Fun.


D00-DL was Pietra's first creation.[1] In her early days, she planned to always put advanced AIs into her robots. She designed D00-DL to scrub the Roil Coaster or be a bellhop. D00-DL's AI allowed him to decide that he didn't want to do what he was told, and made a decision between becoming a caricaturist or taking over control of the park. As he wanted to spread his gift through art, he chose the former. Pietra since realized that she had to tone down the AI so robots would do what they were programmed for, making D00-DL the only robot in the park with a full personality.

When Pietra programmed D00-DL, she accidentally imbued him with the gift of prophecy.[1] Because of this glitch in his programming, D00-DL's caricatures contain portents of the future. Bad things always seem to befall people who get a drawing done by D00-DL, though he does not influence the future.


  • D00-DL is the only legendary Robot in Unfinity. This is thanks to his AI.

In-game references

Represented in:
