Ice Age on the World of Magic: The Gathering

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Ice Age on the World of Magic: The Gathering
[[File:{{#setmainimage:Ice Age Volume 1.jpg}}|250px]]
Publication information
Publisher ARMADA
Publication period July - October 1995
Number of issues 4
Character(s) Jason Carthalion, Freyalise, Tevesh Szat, Zaraya, Lim-Dul, Leshrac, Faralyn, Taysir, Kristina, Ravidel, Rhuell, Jaeuhl Carthalion
Creative team
Writer(s) Jeff Gomez, Jeofrey Vita
Editor(s) Bob Layton
Penciller(s) Rafael Kayanan
Inker(s) Rodney Ramos
Letterer(s) Adam Niedzwiecki
Colorist(s) Eric Hope
Preceded By
Fallen Empires
Followed By

Ice Age on the World of Magic: The Gathering was the first publication to tell the story of Ice Age block. It was first published as four monthly issues during the summer and fall of 1995 and later compiled into two volumes. In 2006, those compilation volumes were digitized and made freely available on in preparation for Coldsnap.

The later novels of the Ice Age Cycle often contradict the story of the Ice Age comic. As a result, many events from the comic are unlikely to remain canon.

The Twilight Kingdom

Dominaria. Deep in Northern Terisiare, some four millennia before The Gathering, by the reckoning of the Sages of Minorad.

The shaman Oriel Kjeldos flees through the ice wastes. Pursued by a Johtull Wurm, she is determined to reach her home: the glacier kingdom of Storgard. She summons a giant bear to fight the wurm, but that isn't enough. Then she receives help from the castle: her young champion Jason Carthalion, the wizard Zilgeth of Clan Ruby, and the militia from King Miko join the fight. When the wurm still almost overpowers them, Zilgeth casts an Incineration spell which kills the wurm but also costs him his life.

Safe inside, Oriel reveals to the Stone Council that Storgard is the last stronghold of civilization in all of Terisiare, that the cold has a magical origin, and that it is still deepening. As head of Clan Emerald, she urges the council to leave Storgard and bring their people to the south. The other members of the council, Oriel's younger sister Arimaya of Clan Onyx, the grim Master-at-Arms Hurn of Clan Pearl, the burly dwarf Lorthun of Clan Emerald and King Miko himself are unconvinced and accuse her of blasphemy, arguing that their gods are not dead but only sleeping. The new leader of Clan Ruby, the powerful court mage Freyalise, adds that it would be folly to journey across the wastes because they lack the magical power to do it.

Deep within his prayer chamber - the most forbidden of all rooms in the palace of Storgard - King Miko meets his secret adviser, the demonic planeswalker Tevesh Szat. Szat warns Miko that Clan Emerald plots against him, and argues that this discord must be dealt with.

As Jason and Freyalise, who are childhood friends, meet on Raynor's Rise to discuss their differences, a magical explosion is heard in the quarters of Clan Emerald. In the hour that follows, sixteen lifeless bodies are pulled from the rubble. Hurn accuses Clan Emerald of causing the explosion and of treason. Jason and Freyalise magically quell the following fight between the clans. But Miko decrees that a magical duel must decide the conflict. To the death between two champions: the same Jason and Freyalise!

Oriel guesses that an evil power has allied itself with the King and that they need all the help they can get. In a duel of spellcasting, Jason would be Freyalise's inferior. Their ally Mariska, wife of Hurn, provides them with two magical items: the Bow of the Nordic Warrior and the Shield of Prince Bilikis.

Jason and 'Alise (as he calls her) confront each other on the tundra south of Storgard. Freaylise uses red magic and begs Jason to yield, but he defends himself with green magic. He calls forth a Woolly Spider called Seklistis. Then a dark wind sent by Tevesh Szat picks them all up and drops them at Storgard. Szat hopes that they will destroy the castle and grant him peace. The duelists are dashed onto the Bridge of Hielos. Kianon, Freyalise's bonded wolverine makes short work of Seklestis, at the cost of its own life. Neither mage pauses to notice that the folly of their conflict has forced the glacier to come crashing down on the castle. As Freyalise fires bursts of molten lava at Jason, he is influenced by Szat to use black mana for an Icequake. As the bridge collapses under Freyalise's feet, Jason shoots the Fyndhorn Bow and wounds her mortally. Too late, he recognizes the influence of the demon and rejects the temptation of the black mana.

Jason finds Freyalise dying in the snow. She is thankful that Jason has found the strength to reject Szat. She hopes to ascend and will turn to green mana in honor of her childhood friend.

Forty days later, King Mika grants the Emerald and Pearl clans leave to depart the kingdom. He also grants Jason his staff, which can hold the Johtull Wurms at bay. After pledging that one day the staff will serve as a symbol for all the glory of Storgard. Jason, Oriel, Mariska, Hurn, and four dozen other people start their walk to the south. Many others chose to stay behind with their king, in a vainglorious attempt to rebuild what had been destroyed. Tevesh Szat is seen looming over the destroyed castle.

The Frozen Dead

The second issue of the Ice Age comic books is no longer canon. The later novel The Eternal Ice provides a contradictory account of the same story.[1]

It has been 500 years since the fall of the Glacier Kingdom, and though the Ice Age continues, the world has warmed enough for heroes to make their return. The city is Kjeldor[2], named for the descendants of the shaman Oriel Kjeldos. Its marble spires are an ode to the mages and kings who gave their lives, so that life might continue... even in the cold. But even a city as great as Kjeldor can possess wounded knights and sworn enemies.

At one of the towers of the High Palace, a Silver Erne bearing a message arrives at the balcony of Prince Darien Kjeld.[3] The Staff of the Ice Lords positioned atop of the palace prevents the creature from touching the battlement, but Darien permits it to land. The message is a cry for help from one of the nomadic tribes far to the west of Terisiare. They are besieged by some sort of evil force. Though they are not truly allies, Darien won't allow these people to be slaughtered. He summons Sir Zaraya and orders her to collect the finest Knights of Kjeldor and to travel to Balduvia.

Zaraya recruits her former lover Lord Kailo, the best tracker in the Order. The one-eyed and one-handed Kailo holds a grudge against Zaraya since their son Severin died four years earlier on a mission under her command.

The Erne that carries Darien's return message is intercepted by "Sir" Lim-Dûl, a former Knight of Kjeldor that has embraced black magic. To prepare a "welcome" for his former comrades-at-arms, he raises his undead legions from a frozen swamp: Foul Familiars, Gangrenous Zombies, Skeletons of Morej[4], Ashen Ghouls, Legions of Lim-Dûl, and Minions of Leshrac.

Zaraya and her five companions have been traveling through Balduvia for days, but there is no sign of the nomad tribe. Zaraya makes a derisive remark about their tracker - Kailo - and orders the shaman Bolar to use his sorcery to find the tribe. While Bolar, who has an extra pair of tiny arms sticking from his chest, bickers with Kailo, two of their other companions distance themselves from them. Sir Onala questions her place in an Order that has become so bitter and full of resentment. Her lover, the knight Sir Gregor, laughs at her, remarking that she is of royal blood and was born to be a knight.

The knights are alerted by a terrible howling. Zaraya orders Onala and Gregor to make up, while she investigates with Bolar, Kailo, and Xian. They are filled with incomprehension and disgust by what they find. A pair of Guard Wolves of the Nomads have fallen victim to an outlawed trap. Knives planted into the ground, hilt-side down, are coated with water and deer's blood, and left to freeze. The wolves lick the ice and split their tongues on the blades. Frantically, they keep licking until they bleed to death. Zaraya concludes that only one man could do something so foul - Lim-Dûl. Too slow to realize that it is a trap, they are too late to come to the rescue of Onala and Gregor, who are attacked by the walking dead. As Onala is rendered helpless by sudden visions of her ancestor Oriel Kjeldos dying in the snow, Gregor is killed by the zombies.

The next day, the four remaining companions find the abandoned camp of the Balduvian nomads. Kailo expresses his anger that Zaraya hasn't shown regret at the loss of Gregor under her leadership. Zaraya counters that she will mourn after Lim-Dûl is rooted out and destroyed. She wonders if Kailo questions her leadership or rather her womanhood. Bolar finds a dying man in full armor hanging from a tree. The man tells them that he is Samiks of the Marked Ones, and that Lim-Dûl has destroyed his tribe by killing their livestock and guarding wolves, and poisoning their drinking water. Bolar offers Samiks a Healing Salve and proposes to find Samiks remaining tribe members to make amends for the crimes of Lim-Dûl, their former comrade. Samiks himself reveals they can be found in the foothills to the south and Lim-Dûl is after them because they possess powerful magic relics. In his dying breath, Samiks gifts his last relic to Zaraya. Xian recognizes it as a Nova Pentacle, an ancient artifact of untold power and meaning.

Lim-Dûl has been watching the scene through the eyes of the undead erne. He begs his master, the planeswalker Leshrac, for greater power to fight the Kjeldoran knights. Leshrac casts the Master of the Hunt spell on Lim-Dûl, transforming him into a mighty creature. He tells his minion to quickly end his quarrel with the knights because a greater task is at hand with the reveal of the secret of the shard.

Lim-Dûl attacks in full force, but the five knights manage to defeat his creatures by working together. Zaraya confronts the necromancer and casts her one true spell: the Winds of Kataba which incapacitates Lim-Dûl. Bolar follows up with a Word of Undoing that sends the necromancer back to his master. Leshrac is not pleased and leaves Lim-Dûl stuck in an Icy Prison, with the promise to free him in about five years when has returned from the Summit of the Null Moon.

Later, Bolar's Healing Salve is used to cure the remaining Marked Ones. Onaya resigns from the Order. She recognized that she had been unable to save Gregor because Lim-Dûl had preyed upon her deepest desires - to have a family and a home. She plans to pass on the noble name of Kjeld to her children and will let them make their own decisions about joining the Order. Zaraya says goodbye with regret and understanding. Kailo has come to an understanding as well. He realized that years back their son was the smallest and lightest of their party and that Zaraya's decision to send him last across the ice bridge had been a sound one. Only now, does he realizes he can see the pain in her eyes. Zaraya says that she is sorry too. She explains that her vows to the Order must stand above her desires, even above her blood.

The leader of the Marked Ones has another gift for Zaraya: the Reflecting Star. Later Zaraya prays to Freyalise and asks for guidance. She wonders if the world will ever be free of the ice and the endless cold.

The Shard

The third issue of the Ice Age comic books is of uncertain canon status. Unresolved continuity conflicts exist between this comic book, Shandalar, and other stories.[1]

Orbiting the world of Dominaria are two moons. One is natural, lighting the evening sky since time immemorial. The other is a construct, no more natural than the dragon engines that destroyed entire cities during the Antiquities War. During Dominaria's Age of Ice, the planeswalkers came to call it... the Null Moon. For the Summit of the Null Moon, the planeswalker Faralyn has invited several fellow planeswalkers. Applauding their courage to set aside their differences, he is about the reveal the secret of the Shard of the Twelve Worlds. Arch-Mages, Wizards, Lords, and Gods, these planeswalkers are capable of traversing the universe as easily as stepping across a room. But they have lost this remarkable ability. For ten centuries, they have been trapped within a tiny formation of twelve worlds - and their patience is ebbing. The invitees are: Leshrac, Walker of Night, Kristina of the Woods, Tevesh Szat, the Doom of Fools, Taysir of Rabiah, and a winged Freyalise.

Also present are Faralyn's spellsquire Ravidel and his dragon friend Chromium Rhuell. The elder dragon acts aggressively when he notices Leshrac. Ravidel quiets him down, by remembering that they all swore an oath that they are under the treaty. Ravidel recounts that Leshrac forcibly summoned Rhuell's brother into a duel a century ago and that the dragon was destroyed by Leshrac's opponent. Kristina admits with regret that she was that opponent. Leshrac urges Faralyn to proceed with haste. Tevesh Szat adds that they were told this would be a confederacy of planeswalkers, but Chromium and Ravidel are neither. One is an elder beast and the other a complete mystery.

Faralyn gives a lengthy explanation. Ravidel, Rhuell, and Freaylise have helped him investigate the phenomenon of the Shard. It is as if a mighty hammer has struck the continuum of a trillion worlds, and has splintered a mere dozen into the aether. He states that planeswalkers have been bears in a cage and have become idle killers, false gods, and mad with boredom. As Leshrac urges him om, Faralyn explains that he has found a flaw in the Shard and a way to reverse the Cataclysm of the Twelve Planes. This will also halt Dominaria's Ice Age. Leshrac and Szat know his theory already and are impatient to know when the rogue plane Shandalar will arrive and why he brought so many planeswalkers when one or two will suffice for their plans.

Freyalise and Kristina are under the impression that the plan involves them all working together, but Taysir advises caution. Rhuell agrees. Seemingly being the neutral arbiter, Faralyn provokes a discussion between Ravidel en Leshrac. When Leshrac offends Rhuell by calling him a familiar, the chromium dragon loses his temper a breathes electric fire at Leshrac. Unfortunately, he scorches Tszat instead. This breaks down any chance of a peaceful resolution, and combat ensues. With Thoughtlace cast to cut any connection that Rhuell has with black mana, Szat follows through with Dark Banishing, killing the mighty dragon.

Swearing by the Djinns of Erhnam and Suleiman, Taysir tries to protect Kristina by casting Circle of Protection: Black and Holy Light, but Leshrac negates those with a Nether Void spell. Not willing to be distracted, Faralyn sends the trio away to the Nether Void itself.

Freyalise questions Faralyn's sanity but is then attacked by Szat who wants to settle their old dispute. To protect the grieving Ravidel, Freyalise throws her winds at Szat and transports him away. Still stuck in his Icy Prison in the Adarkar Wastes on Dominaria, Lim-Dûl is momentarily distracted from his anguish by the arrival of the two opponents. Freyalise reminds Szat that he destroyed Storgard and her chance to live a humble life. She casts Lifeforce to stunt Szat's black spell abilities. This means little, however, as Szat draws upon blue mana to cast Acid Rain to counteract her spell. He follows up with Mind Twist to negate any spells that Freyalise might memorize and Underworld Dreams to cause her extreme pain. He finds time to explain his evil plans to her. He reveals that he was in league with Faralyn and Leshrac all along, and the life force of a powerful being is needed to crack the Shard. The conspirators will conquer the mana-rich plane of Shandalar, and he will then finish a task far too long undone - the silencing of Dominaria.

The Nether Void, where spells are more difficult to cast
Taysir and Kristina continue their fight with Leshrac. The latter has come prepared and has brought a Mana Matrix to further slow down the other two. Het throws a Meteor Storm at them, but Taysir manages to destroy the matrix with a Shatterstorm. During a pause in the fight, Taysir wonders why Faralyn had provoked them, and then they understand that the life energy of planeswalkers killed in a battle would allow Faralyn to escape from the Shard. Taysir casts Karma (with some help from Kristina's mana) to wreak havoc on Leshrac's dependency on black mana. Kristina, having the most level head of all, casts Tranquility to negate the Nether Void and to bring them back to the Null Moon before more damage is done.

Azoria, a desert island plane caught in the Shard
Freyalise arrives on her chosen plane. She tries to cast Sandstorm, the moment she sees Tevesh Szat, only to be countered by Szat's Mana Drain. Szat mocks her, accusing her of still holding back. This provokes Freyalise into casting a Typhoon, inflicting harm upon him for all the islands he controls. Moments later, they both realize that the Summit was just an orchestrated attempt by Faralyn to break free from the Shard and claim Shandalar for himself. The defeated Szat pays Freyalise in full for her wisdom with a Soul Burn, injuring Freyalise horribly before he flees from the duel.

The Null Moon of Dominaria
Taysir, Kristina, and Leshrac return, just in time to witness that Faralyn is indeed trying to open the plane with the death energy of Rhuell's corpse. The opening of the rift is felt across the planes of the Shard and enables Lim-Dûl to escape from his Icy Prison. Tevesh Szat also reappears on the Moon and warns Leshrac of Faralyn's plan. Ravidel, still raging over the loss of his friend Rhuell, attacks Leshrac. Without a second thought, Leshrac casts Fire Covenant, bringing fiery harm to all present and killing Ravidel. More chaos ensues, and Faralyn and Leshrac manage to escape into the interdimensional rift to Shandalar. Szat remains behind, stating he has unfinished business. Faralyn warns him that he can assist him through the portal, but is only willing to do so for a limited period.

Kristina and Taysir bring Ravidel back from the dead with a Resurrection spell, but he responds to his saviors with rage. He doesn't agree with Kristina changing his fate and declares her his enemy forever. The Battlemage has risen.

Back on Dominaria
A heavily wounded Freyalise returns, vowing to work with Kristina to stop the punishment of the plane and to end the Ice Age.

Forever Silent the World

The fourth issue of the Ice Age comic books is of uncertain canon status. Unresolved continuity conflicts exist between this comic book, Shandalar, and other stories.[1]

Dominaria, amidst the ruins of Storgard, now called Soldev.
The planeswalker Tevesh Szat has summoned a Priest of Yawgmoth to recover the many artifacts below the rubble of the old citadel and to consecrate them to Phyrexia. Szat has developed a way to harness the power released by the arcane ritual and intends to glut the glaciers and the Adarkar Wastes with black sorcery. Then, he wants to unleash a coldness with blue mana that will kill all living things on Dominaria in his quest to achieve silence forever.

The palace of Darien of Kjeldor, in the land called Terisiare
It has been three weeks since the Treaty of the Shard was broken, three weeks since a soul-burned angel fell from the Null Moon and vowed the end the Ice Age on Dominaria, once and for all. Freyalise tells Darien that she has a two-pronged mission for his finest knight, Sir Zaraya, and for his worst knight, Sir Jaeuhl. Darien questions her wish to choose a Carthalion, but Freyalise is adamant and warns that Tevesh Szat is on the move.

The following morning, Zaraya and Sir Xian embark on their day's mission when they almost run over an old woman, burdened by a heavy load. The unrecognizable woman, actually Freyalise in disguise, asks Zaraya to hand over the Nova Pentacle that she had received from the Marked Ones five years earlier. As Zaraya protests, the old woman remembers that she once offered her sword, her ribbons, and her shining relics for the help of her goddess to end the cold. Prophesizing that Jaeuhl will be the champion in the final battle, the old woman convinces Zaraya to hand over the Pentacle, though she gets to keep the Reflecting Star. Xian tries to prevent the handover, but Zaraya recognizes that her role will be that of a messenger between unlikely heroes. The old woman leaves, stating they will meet again that night to find a certain child in Fyndhorn.

That night, fifteen miles east of the city of Kjeld.
It's freezing. Young Jaeuhl is outside because he has been punished for swiping Sir Kailo's eyepatch and wearing it all day. He is aggrieved because he would have given it back when it got too dark to see through one eye. Suddenly an angelic Freyalise appears. When he points his arrow toward her, she warns him he isn't the first Carthalion to do so. She explains that it was Tevesh Szat who divided her and Jason, and that it is Szat who brings her to Jaeuhl. She asks Jaeul to slay the demon or to banish him from Dominaria. Though he must act on his own, she offers to arm him with the Staff of the Ages, the Nova Pentacle, and her own Celestial Sword. Jaeuhl protests: he is on probation, he has only memorized five so-so spells, his horse is too old and he even doesn't worship Freyalise. Freyalise counters that she doesn't ask to be worshiped and appeals on his honor as a Knight of Kjeldor. Jaeuhl becomes honest and says that he never has seen a demon before and is afraid to die. Freyalise promises him that the odds are even if he manages to find the Amulet of Quoz in the ruins of Soldev before Szat does.

Five days later, the Elvish settlement of Kelsinko, deep within Fyndhorn.
Sir Zaraya and the "old woman" have heard rumors this where they can find the child that they seek. They are welcomed by Disa the Restless and her goodman Kolbjörn, who tells them that they dreaded this day but that their daughter Kaysa has been prepared. The old woman sees that Kaysa bears the crescent Mark of the Elder Druid, and reveals herself as Freyalise. She asks the girl for aid in the casting of her greatest spell. Their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of a couple of Elves. High Council Laina questions if the end of the endless winter is worth the sacrifice of their Ley Druid's spirit. She asks if Freyalise can guarantee Kaysa's safety. Freyalise, revealing her blind eyes, admits that she can not.

The Soldev Ruins, two days later
The last words that Freyalise whispered echo in Jaeuhl Cathalion's eras: Find the Labyrinth of Raynor, far below the rubble, retrieve the Amulet of Quoz, and you'll have a fighting chance. As he casts the first of his five spells to locate the Amulet, he is interrupted by Tevesh Szat. Szat recognizes the Staff of the Ages, as the relic he once gifted to King Miko in return for his allegiance. He realizes the irony of Freyalise sending him a Carthalion for a final battle. As he belittles Jaeuhl, the mage attacks him, but Szat answers with summoned Wind Spirits and Abyssal Specters. The protection spell that Jaeuhl cast before the battle holds the swamp specters at bay, but to his surprise, Szat draws mana from the islands as well. Though one Spirit is slain under his blade, the others draw Carthalion blood. As Szat sends his creatures in for the kill, Jaeuhl clears the field with a Wrath of God. Szat mocks the Carthalion line for still using white mana after 400 years. He throws a {[card|Gloom||LEA}} and Lim-Dûl's Hex at the mage, and summons a Mole Worm. As Jaeuhl prepares to retaliate, the work of the Priest of Yawgmoth pays off, an Icequake starts, and to Szat's glee, the temperature begins to drop significantly. He thinks he has defeated Freyalise at last.

In Fyndhorn, at that very moment
From throughout Terisiare they come - Elves and Druids, Barbarians and Nomads, shamans and Marked Ones, even half-blind Kailo and the Knights of Kjeldor. Some arrive by sorcery, others upon their swiftest steeds - all to offer their mana to the efforts of Goddess Freyalise. Freyalise orders to bring forth the Ice Cauldron and to put the child at rest. The elves are afraid of the consequences and Sir Zaraya refuses to sacrifice the child for the greater good. Kristina of the Woods of the appears, and convinces Zarays to have faith in Freyalise.

Jaeuhl is still alive but has almost run out of spells. As Szat mounts another attack, the mage flees towards a hole in the ground. He manages to chase Szat's spirits off and only has a Whippoorwill left, for all the good that'll do. He jumps into the hole. Szat feels Freyalise building up a pool of mana and doubles his efforts.

The attendants are chanting but it is not enough. Kailo urges Zaraya to join the chant, admitting that she did the right thing years ago when she sacrificed their child to save many others. Freaylise casts Paralyze on the Ley Druid Kaysa, and uses Wild Growths to create an immense Stream of Life and to channel it through the Ice Cauldron.

Jaeuhl reaches the chamber of the Priest of Yawgmoth and discovers the quaint Amulet of Quoz. The Priest tries to wrestle the Amulet from Jaeuhl and throws the Shield of the Ages at the mage to condemn him to the horrors of Phyrexia and Dominaria to a frozen eternity. The Nova Pentacle that Jaeuhl still wears reflects the shield and sends the Priest away instead.

Coming up to the surface again, Jaeuhl finds that Szat is joined by Lim-Dûl and his armies. As Szat prepares to spend the build-up mana created by the Yawgmoth Priest to cast his final spell, Jaeuhl in desperation tosses up the Amulet of Quoz. It is a 50-50 chance, but the Amulet falls head's up and grants Jaeuhl victory. Szat is defeated.

Though Kaysa's breath grows shallow, the Ice Cauldron explodes with a power born of her essence. And with every aching fiber of her soul, Freyalise draws upon the greatest pool of mana yet generated on the world of Dominaria and unleashes her World Spell. Taysir and Kristina witness the breaking of the enchantments that caused the Ice Age. The results are instantaneous and pleasing, green plants start to grow everywhere.

High above Soldev
Tevesh Szat curses Jaeuhl Carthalion and his heirs. He invokes his pact with Leshrac, and a portal opens up to transport Szat and Lim-Dûl to Shandalar. Jaeuhl mocks them and remarks that he even has kept his Whippoorwill unused.

Freyalise returns Kaysa to Kolbjorn and Disa. Though Kaysa seems a mere shadow of herself, the future Elder Druid recognizes the necessity of her plight. She wants to meet Jaeuhl, whom she considers the real hero. Zaraya prophecies that the two of them have great destinies.


Issue #1 came with a Chub Toad card and Issue #2 with Bone Shaman. Issues #3 and #4 included sets of heavy cardboard counters.


All cover artwork was created by Charles Vess.

Notes and references

  1. a b c Squirle (January 28, 2015). "Timeline". Multiverse in Review. Tumblr.
  2. This is prerevisionist. In the revisionist the Eternal Ice the nation is called Kjeldor, but the city is called Kjeld
  3. In this comic, Darien is spelled as Darian
  4. BigAr (March 5, 2020). "Melissa Benson Interview".

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