Apatzec Intli III

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Apatzec Intli III
Race Human
Birthplace Sun Empire, Ixalan
Lifetime Born c. 48 BD
Died 4 Dawn Era

Emperor Apatzec Intli III was the emperor of the Sun Empire on Ixalan.[1][2] He was the father of Caztaca Huicintli, Atlacan Huicintli, and Apatzec Intli IV.[3]


Intli was a fierce man.[2] He was middle-aged, having succeeded his extremely long-lived and conservative mother several years before 4560. He spent most of his life chafing under her authority and anxious to prove himself as a leader and a warrior. As soon as his mother died, he changed everything he disliked about her rule, launching the empire into a renaissance state — and no small amount of turmoil.

Apatzec trusted in the strength of his armies and his leadership to secure the good fortune of the empire. He was named after emperor Apatzec Intli I who once abused the power of the Immortal Sun to conquer the River Heralds. Despite — or perhaps because of — his namesake, he initially put little stock in the legends of the Immortal Sun, holding no faith that it would be found, let alone alter the course of history. Learning of the visions of the warrior poet Huatli, though, convinced him that Orazca would be found and the Immortal Sun once again could be used to secure the empire's victory over its foes. He committed significant resources to the search for the city, painfully aware that his initial hesitation would prove costly. At the same time, some leaders feared that his eagerness to find the Immortal Sun was leaving the cities of the Sun Empire vulnerable to attacks by their enemies.

After the city was found and captured for the Sun Empire, Apatzec began a campaign that pushed the invaders to the sea, eventually capturing and reverse engineering their fleet in preparation for an invasion of Torrezon.[4]

During New Phyrexia's Invasion of the Multiverse, Apatzec led the defense of the plane against the intruders.[4] He was assassinated by Phyrexian sleeper agents near the end of the invasion, and his young son succeeded him as Apatzec Intli IV.[3][5]

Story appearances

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
A Question of Confidence Alison Luhrs 2017-09-13 Ixalan Ixalan Huatli, Apatzec, Inti, Angrath
Who Tells the Stories Alison Luhrs 2018-02-07 Rivals of Ixalan Ixalan Huatli, Tishana, Vona of Iedo, Angrath, Mavren Fein, Elenda of Garrano, Zacama, Malcolm, Breeches, Apatzec
Wool Over the Eyes Alison Luhrs 2018-02-14 Rivals of Ixalan Kaladesh, Angrath's homeplane, Meditation Plane, Ixalan, Dominaria Huatli, Saheeli Rai, Angrath, Vraska, Nicol Bolas, Jace Beleren, Malcolm, Breeches, Gideon Jura, Jaya Ballard, Apatzec
Ixalan: Three Hundred Steps Under the Sun Miguel Lopez 2023-03-21 March of the Machine Ixalan Huatli, Inti, Apatzec, Mavren Fein, Etali, Saheeli Rai, Zetalpa, Tetzimoc, Ghalta, Nezahal, Zacama

In-game references

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