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Race Frog
Birthplace Nephalia, Innistrad
Lifetime Mending Era

Toxrill is a frog worshiped as a deity in Nephalia, Innistrad.


There is no more bitter a rivalry among Nephalia's cults than that between the Spawn of Grolnok and the Temple of Toxrill. Seeking to get a leg up on their rivals, the spawn obtained what a passing merchant insisted was one of the Gitrog monster's eggs. They cast an arcane ritual on the egg, one passed down through generations of cultists, and a humongous, oozing frog emerged. Declaring this monster the one true Grolnok, the spawn have dedicated their lives to doting on their "god." Upon hearing that the temple had obtained their own monster, the spawn began preparations for their final battle.[1]

In-game references

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