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[[File:{{#setmainimage:Hot Soup.jpg}}|250px]]
Race Goblin
Birthplace Grag Ridge, Unknown plane
Lifetime Unknown
Relatives Thirty-five or so siblings

Field Chef Fizz is a goblin from an unknown plane.


Fizz had been recruited into a war against the humans by the orc General Razgar and initially joined the 99th Goblin Infantry, also known as the grand old Grag Ridge Expendables. But it hadn't been long before her commanders had taken note of her unique talents, and she soon found herself in the relative safety of the field kitchens.

On this particular day, she was stewing a thick, bubbling pot of her specialty, Stuff-I-Found-Lying-Around Soup. It was missing something, but after a goblin messenger briefly fell into the soup, it tasted just right. The message itself was for Fizz, a command to bring the General her hot soup, right this instant, while the battle was raging on all sides.

While Fizz was less than pleased with this order, she was not about to start defying the General, so she picked up the soup cauldron and left the relative safety of her tent behind. She dashed down the trench, trying not to spill a drop. Some rocks and arrows fell in the soup, which was all right, as they'd add flavor.

On the way, she had to barge through a squad of milling goblins and narrowly avoided being exploded by a lit goblin mine. Bits of dirt and bits of goblin kaboomist rained down into the soup. She then joined a team of ember haulers to cross the battlefield, running into a squad of goblin irregulars who threatened to eat her soup, until they were distracted by a goblin rabblemaster who gave a speech that, aided by Fizz, resulting in the irregulars charging at the enemy. Fizz was swept along with the charge, ending up in a human trench.

As she heard humans approaching, she hid behind her cauldron. One human tasted her soup and immediately died. The other ran away, screaming about a chemical attack. Fizz then quickly crawled out of the trench and found a goblin balloon brigade. She convinced them to inflate the toad for her, getting some of its drool into the soup. She hung below the balloon itself, the soup attached to a long rope.

The balloon headed straight for the tent, and Fizz and the cauldron skidded to a halt right next to General Razgar and his adjutant, Yort. By now the soup contained boots, dirt, rats, goblin sweat, toad drool, red beetle carapace, and shiny beetle carapace, among many other things.

The soup tasted fantastic, and Fizz immediately got promoted to Field Chef, First Class, along with an order to bring the General more soup.

Story appearances

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Comin' Through! Kelly Digges 2014-07-30 Magic 2015 Unknown plane Fizz, Razgar, Yort


  1. Kelly Digges (July 30, 2014). "Comin' Through!". Wizards of the Coast.