List of secondary characters/Innistrad

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The following Innistrad characters are only mentioned in flavor text, or appear as minor characters in the storyline.

Name Title Description Cards
Alena Alena, trapper of Kessig Partnered with Halana. They are trackers, hunters, and protectors who live in the depths of the dark Ulvenwald. [1][2]
Alwin Bishop Alwin Bishop of Gavony. [3]
Amalric Amalric of Midvast Hall
Anje Falkenrath A particulary old scion of the Falkenrath family who gathered a hunting pack of her kin after they were corrupted by Emrakul. Anje has a goal beyond feeding: she wants to reclaim Castle Falkenrath from the monks who live there.[4]
Argust Bishop Argust
Beckram Beckram, Skiltfolk escort
Britta Britta, midwife of Gatstaf
Cawle Bishop Cawle of Elgaud Cleric in charge of the inquisitors of the Elgaud Grounds, serving the Lunarch Inquisition reluctantly.[4] No match for Manfried Ulmach.
Cosper Lowe Cosper Lowe of the Silbern Guard Captain of a detachement of local cathars in Stensia. A classically handsome charismatic young man, good with a horse and blade. He used to be the target of a vampire's infatuation.[5] Around the time of Avacyn's return he killed his stalker. [4]
Deigenhard Mayor Deigenhard Mayor of Wollenbank in Stensia. A stalwart and capable man with a hatred for vampires.
Delmund Inquisitor Delmund
Dennias A member of the Order of Saint Traft who became eldrazified. Killed by Thalia with Avacyn's spear. [6]
Dierk Dierk, geistmage Geistmage who unsucessfully tried to help Liliana Vess exorcizing the Chain Veil. Killed by Eldrazi Werewolves, and zombified by Liliana.[7][8]
Dougan A young cathar, loyal to the Lunarch Council. Killed by Odric. [9]
Eberhart Captain Eberhart Cathar stationed at the Elgaud Grounds. He killed the Ospid Horror at Sarka Manor near Selhoff.[4]
Edith A cultist, witnessing the rise of Emrakul. [2]
Ekatrin Ekatrin, elder of Hanweir
Ekka Ekka, shopkeeper of Hanweir
Elmut Elmut, crossway watcher
Enslow Enslow, ghoulcaller of Nephalia Ghoulcaller inhabiting Nephalia's Erdwal, using the passages to travel from graf to graf - while also animating the bodies of those who run afoul of the Erdwal's other denizens. [4]
Ghoulcaller Enslow
Erold Erold, Gatstaf springsage
Eruth Eruth of Lambholt A young woman who gained notoriety for her Clairvoyant dreams. Now a gibbering lunatic living in the Natternols.[4]
Esler Esler, Havengul mercenary
Evelin Lady Evelin A resident of Gatstaf, known for making the best and most potent wards in town. Killed by Mrs. Palter. [1]
Freydalia An angel of Goldnight. [10]
Gared Hunchbacked assistant of the geistmage Dierk. Has a bulging eye. Adopted by Liliana. [7][8][11]
Garner Kroft Garner Kroft, Moorland farmer
Glather Elder Glather One of the twelve Elders of Gatstaf. [1]
Gregel Gregel, township militia
Gregel, militia leader
Hadaken Hadaken, alchemist of Nephalia Necro-Alchemist living in Selhoff Uses geist-fuelled engines to animate skaabs.[4]
Halana Halana of Ulvenwald, Hal Partnered with Alena. They are trackers, hunters, and protectors who live in the depths of the dark Ulvenwald. [1][2]
Halana, Kessig ranger
Halmig Halmig, Order of Saint Traft
Haral A cathar veteran, loyal to the Lunarch Council. Killed by Odric. [9]
Hermit of Hanne Hall
Herzag Herzag, mayor of Havengul A corrupt merchant, who allows the illicit underground to flourish for his personal gain. [4]
Higa Higa, slayer-captain of Gatstaf
Hinrik Hinrik of House Cecani
Hildin Hildin, priest of Avacyn
Ishkanah Ishkanah, Grafwidow A monstrous Spider that became even more horrific after the arrival of Emrakul.[4]
Jadar Jadar, ghoulcaller of Nephalia Infamous necromancer who haunts the Morkrut and plunders grafs for miles around theh delta.[4]
Jerren Bishop Jerren A member of the Lunarch Council and secret leader of the Skirsdag. [9]
Johanna One of the last Wolfir, leading the Silverfur Howlpack with Pavel. [4] They fought with the coalition at the Battle of Thraben.
Kalim Elder Kalim A fisherman at Lake Zavra. Father of Wilbur. Leader of the secret Gitrog worshippers. Killed by the monster. [12]
Kastinne Slayer Kastinne A young and insane woman from Shadowgrange who considered herself a wandering monk. [5] Demons killed her children and imprisoned their souls. She trained and worked with Rem Karolus and was a frequent visitor of Devilthorn Lodge. She snapped with Emrakuls arrival, her body and mind transforming in horrible ways. She came to resemble the demons she once hunted, and her prey became the humans who once had mocked her. [4]
Kelse Mother of Maeli, widow of Hanse. Burned to cinders by a maddened Avacyn. [13]
Kep Kep, Lunarch inquisitor
Kolman Kolman, elder of Gatstaf One of the twelve Elders of Gatstaf. [1] Eldrazified. [2]
Kralmar The Kralmar A Kraken-like monster worshipped by human cults in Nephalia. [14] With the arrival of Emrakul, the monster became even more horrific, slowly losing any resemblance to a creature of the natural world.[4]
Kordel Kordel the Cryptic
Laerin Inquisitor Laerin
Lagra Lagra, hamlet physician
Lehren A fisherman at Lake Zavra. Shot by Mia and killed by the Gitrog. [12]
Leighton Cathar Leighton A cathar at the Elgaud Grounds. Killed by Arlinn Kord in her werewolf state. [10]
Leukin Somebody who was killed by an exploding angel.
Levana Levana, Midnight Duelist
Liont A former Wolfir, working as a smith. When the Cursemute was lifted he became a Werewolf again, killing his wife Hilde and his children Talia and Kan. In turn, he was killed by a maddened angel. [13]
Lira Kurash Councillor Lira Kurah Wealthy merchant, leading the town council of Selhoff.[4]
Lothar Lothar, Guardian of Thraben A revered soldier who led a force of elite protectors in service of the Lunarch. Thalia was his right hand. Lothar was killed in the Siege of Thraben. [15][3]
Macher Lunarch, successor to Mikaeus. Belittled by Avacyn. [13]
Maeli Young boy, son of Kelse. Last human to be saved by Avacyn, before the angel's transformation by the arrival of Emrakul. He escaped when Avacyn burned his village and was adopted by Ms. Sadie. After Sadie was Eldrazified, Maeli met a crazed Angel and an uncertain end. [13][2]
Manfried Ulmach Manfried Ulmach, Elgaud Master-at-Arms A stern and unyielding man. Once responsible for maintaining order on the Elgaud Grounds, later Chief Inquisitor scouring the countryside for monsters and sinplagued.[4]
Manfried Ulmach, Chief Inquisitor
Marcyz An angel, trapped and exsanguinated by Edgar Markov and his sons in their ritual to become vampires. [16]
Marella A noblewoman who organized a ball to attract suitors for her daughter. Unfortunately, one of the visitors was a vampire.
Marta A young cathar, loyal to the Lunarch Council. Killed by Grete. [9]
Mathan A member of the Order of Saint Traft. A friend of Dennias. [6]
Mia A girl from a hamlet near Lake Zavra in Nephalia who became to worship the Gitrog monster. [12]
Minaldra Minaldra, the Vizag Atum Most prominent member of the oracular cult known as the Vizag Atum, foretelling the End of the World. A tall, pale, woman sitting in perpetual trance.[4]
Minna Minna of Selhoff A cathar apostate and former Midnight Duelist. During Avacyn's absence she staged travelling shows to exhibit her bladework skills. During Avacyn's madnees, she rededicated herself to her former mission and became a popular hero to the people of Nephalia.[4]
Morkamp Morkamp, Lambholt innkeeper
Nadila Maas Nadila Maas, Moor Chaplain
Odila Odila, witch of Morkrut Witch, serving a demon whp presumably dwells the Morkrut.[4]
Oglor Homunculus assistant of Ludevic of Ulm. [4]
Ola Ola of Lambholt
Olaylie An angel of Goldnight. Attacked and by devils at Havengul and killed by Arlinn Kord in her werewolf state. [10]
Olgard Olgard of the Skiltfolk Father of Mia. Famed slayer and shieldbearer, traveling the land as a noble agent of the Skiltfolk. Leader of the resistance against the advancing Nephalian cultists.[12][4]
Oliver Hayfield Editor of The Hanweir Chronicle. Assimilated into an Eldrazi Ooze. [17]
Orwell Orwell, the bellringer A resident of Gatstaf, killed by Mrs. Palter. [1]
Otto Otto the hunter
Palter Cathar Palter, Bes Palter A Cathar of the Lunarch Council from Gavony, and his wife. Palter once guarded a mausoleum where the demon Ormendahl appeared. The demon took possesion of Mrs. Palter's body. Together, the fled to Gatstaf and the Ulvenwald, where Mrs. Palter killed three residents en then her husband. In turn, she was killed by Arlinn Kord. [1]
Paulin Paulin, trapper of Somberwald A former trapper. He was one of the few who were able to battle the Ashspawn, the transformed demons and devils of the Ashmouth.[4]
Pavel One of the last Wolfir, leading the Silverfur Howlpack with Johanna. [4] They fought with the coalition at the Battle of Thraben.
Raban Saint Raban Founder of Avabruck's central cathedral, the Temple of Saint Raban. A legendary investigator and slayer of werewolves.
Rahilda Rahilda, Vildin-Pack Alpha Alpha werewolf of the Vildin howlpack. A long-braided escaped convict.
Radulf Radulf, priest of Avacyn
Radwick Radwick, farmer of Gatstaf
Raf Gyel Raf Gyel of the Quiver of Kessig Captain of an order of cathars specializing in archery and long-range defense. [14]
Ramar Leader of the Kralmar-cult in Rivstalt.[4]
Reelah Reelah, Shaman of the Mondronen A werewolf, part of the former Mondronen howlpack. [4]
Reeves Archmage Reeves An Archmage of Goldnight. Killed by Arlinn Kord in her werewolf state.[10]
Reig Reig, wandering monk Wandering monk, killed by the Twins of Maurer Estate.
Relio Voldaren
Rem Karolus Rem Karolus, Blade of the Inquisitors Most feared and revered of the Thraben inquisitors. Rem, now in his late 30s, wanders Innistrad on his dappled gray horse armed with his trademark rapier and poniard at his side and bastard sword across his back. [5][17] After Avacyn's death, he brought her spear to Thalia and the Order of Saint Traft. [6]
Rem Karolus, Slayer of Angels
Rem Karolus, Slayer of Eldrazi
Rembert Archmage Rembert An Archmage of Goldnight. Mentor to Arlinn Kord. [10]
Renna Renna, Selhoff alchemist
Ricton Ricton, traveling merchant
Rimheit Elder Rimheit
Rinalda Smit Ghoulcaller Rinalda' A young, self-taught ghoulcaller trying to make her mark on Stensia by creating her own force of beings to defend against vampire attacks.[5]
Rupirk Rupirk, porter at the Rusted Anchor Inn
Rutstein Old Rutstein Travelling Kessig citizen. Purveyor of the finest goods and contraband like human blood and body parts. Well protected by many holy symbols and charms.[4]
Sadie Ms. Sadie An old woman living in the woods. Before her Eldrazification she had adopted Maeli and given him a Teddy Bear. [2]
Sarka Jotti Sarka, Edagard Sarka and the Ospid Horror A family living near Selhoff and the Ospid River, cursed by a monstrous corruption creating a hideous, inhuman creature every other generation.[4]
Seeta Seeta, Lunarch Inquisitor A zealous Avacynian inquisitor from Thraben, pursuing the Order of Saint Traft. Leader of the 'Sinpurged'. [6] Seeta was killed by Olivia Voldaren during the attack on Thraben.
Sereni Galan Lunarch Sereni Last Lunarch. Killed by Avacyn for defying her orders. Replaced by the Lunarch Council. [4]
Shoran Innkeeper Shoran, Elas Shoran Pair of Gatstaf residents, Innkeepers. [1]
Skaharra Alpha werewolf of the Leeraug Howlpack. The Leeraug is a relatively small and tight-knit pack vicious predators, unique in that they hunt under the black night of the new moon, rather than transforming when the moon is full. Skaharra is a black-furred she-wolf noted for her tendency to kill entire families in a single night while sparing unrelated farmhands and servants. [18]
Somlon Elder Somlon One of the twelve Elders of Gatstaf. Killed by Mrs. Palter. [1]
Strefan Maurer Progenitor of a minor vampiric bloodline, ruling a remote region in Stensia’s outland valleys. [14]
Sterin Gorn An official of Stensia.
Sved Sved, fisherman of Nephalia
Terhold Terhold, Archmage of Drunau
Thaniel Thaniel, Gatstaf shepherd
Tobias Tobias, trader of Erdwal
Traken Lieutenant Traken, Elgaud Inquisitor First man to warn Thraben of the upcoming siege by Gisa and Geralf Cecani. [3]
Tristen Tristen, Cathar Marshal
Trogen Saint Trogen, the Slayer
Ulda Ulda, Gavony Rider
Ulmach Ulda, Chief Inquisitor Chief Inquisitor of the Church of Avacyn. Infected by Emrakul's madness and ordering the death of many "sin-plagued" citizens.[9]
Ulrich Ulrich of Krallenhorde Pack Werewolf, leading the Krallenhorde howlpack. A cunning and perceptive wanton who remains in the wild and runs with the howlpack even when he reverts to human form.
Ulrich, Krallenhorde alpha
Uta Falkenrath Uta Falkenrath
Vadvar Vadvar, Thraben stonewright
Vallon Vallon, Thraben inspector
Veka Veka, hinterland inspector
Verena Inquisitor Verena A cathar from Avabruck. She disregarded her superiors and returned to Kessig to guard Devil's brach. [4]
Veryl A fisherman at Lake Zavra. A strong believer of the Gitrog monster. [12]
Vetters Elder Vetters Mayor of Drunau. A human servant of Runo Stromkirk. [4]

Volpaig Bishop Volpaig A crude-minded minor bishop of the Church of Avacyn, secretly leader of the Skirsdag at the time of Avacyn's disappearence. Killed by Liliana. [19] [20]
Vonn Vonn, geist-trapper
Warin Farmer Warin, Wife Warin Pair of Gatstaf farmers, plagued by unknown horrors. [1]
Wendin Wendin, veteran cathar
Wilbur Friend of Mia at the Lake Zavra hamlet. A secret Gitrog worshipper. [12]
Wulmer Grafdigger Wulmer
Yeter Yeter, Trostad Villager
Yonda Yonda of Gavony
Yora Yora, academy researcher
Zilla Zilla of Lambholt
