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Race Elf
Birthplace Alara
Lifetime Unknown
A Planeswalker's Guide to Alara

Cylia, called "the Witness,"[1] was a female elven shaman of Alara. She was the youngest daughter of an elven shaman.


During the Sundering, a young Cylia climbed to the top of the mountain armed with a vial of poison and a small dagger carved from a thorn and begged Progenitus not to destroy the plane.[1] Displeased with her, the worldsoul blinded the young elf. With blood from her mutilated eyes dripping into the vial, Cylia dipped the dagger into the vial and flung her weapon into the being's heart. The poison revealed Progenitus's true nature: a five-headed hydra avatar, and all life was saved on Alara, though it had already separated into the Shards.[2]

Because her blood had mixed with the poison and entered the god-Hydra's body, Cylia gained a connection with Progenitus and the ability to sense magic. These two traits are passed on to all successive leaders of the elves of Naya. These seers are called the "Anima", the most recent of whom was Mayael.[3] In her honor, the elves of Naya refer to themselves as the Descendants of Cylia, or the Cylian elves.[4]

Story appearances

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
The Soul of the World Jenna Helland January 21, 2009 Conflux Naya, Alara Progenitus, Mayael, Cylia

In-game references

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