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Race Angel
Birthplace Alara

Sarrasa is a criminal angel from Alara who was secretly a follower of Nicol Bolas. She has been known as Sarrasa the Traitor, The Fallen One, and The Shame of Giltspire.

She has been wanted for crimes against the holy order, failure to defend a holy site, failure to protect wards under angelic charge, and murder of a Blessed-caste.


Sarrasa was an Angel of Amesha rank on Alara who guarded the castle Giltspire, a holy site with a history tracing hundreds of years. She defended the castle through centuries of relic robbers, flash fires, foreign paladin crusaders, and war. Throughout this time her worshippers left her offerings, sometimes of extreme value, at her shrine inside the castle walls. These gifts were repaid with angelic favors: moments of divine strength, healing miracles, protection from deadly mishaps, and victory in battle on the grounds outside the castle.

One day before the Conflux began, Sarrasa suddenly deserted the castle without notice or reason. There was no hint of why for the Blessed-caste leaders who interpreted her will, it is said she merely vanished from her post in the heavens above Giltspire, never to return. It is believed that she killed a Blessed-caste priest who witnessed her leave. Due to the events of the Conflux, the impact of her desertion was considered catastrophic for Giltspire. To this day those on Alara do not know if she still lives, and if so, whether she feels spite or remorse about her actions. They are not aware she was an agent for the powerful planeswalker Nicol Bolas.[1]

Story appearances

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Gold Records Doug Beyer May 20, 2009 Alara Reborn Alara Revin Skoros, Ranalus, Haaach, Dollun Spinebreaker, Banath'thur, Sarrasa

In-game references

Depicted in:


  1. Doug Beyer (May 20, 2009). "Gold Records". Savor the Flavor. Archived from the original on June 1, 2009.