Eldritch Moon/Card comparisons
Cards from Eldritch Moon compared to cards from earlier sets.
Strictly better
- Chilling Grasp is strictly better than Frost Breath.
- Docent of Perfection is strictly better than Air Elemental.
- Incendiary Flow is strictly better than Volcanic Hammer.
- Ingenious Skaab is strictly better than Watercourser.
- Gnarlwood Dryad is strictly better than Sedge Scorpion.
- Niblis of Frost is strictly better than Hoverguard Observer, Ringwarden Owl, and Stronghold Zeppelin.
- Selfless Soul is strictly better than Lightwalker, Mistral Charger, Royal Falcon, and Stormfront Pegasus.
- Spirit of the Hunt is strictly better than Gnarled Mass and Trained Armodon.
- Vildin-Pack Outcast is strictly better than Berserkers of Blood Ridge, Bonebreaker Giant, Flowstone Crusher, Fomori Nomad, and Obsidian Giant.
Strictly worse
- Take Inventory is strictly worse than Accumulated Knowledge.