Rakka Mar

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Template:Character Rakka Mar is a female human shaman from the Conflux expansion. Born in Jund, she specializes in summoning elementals.

Nearly 50 years old, she is one of the oldest humans on Jund. She has the powerful gift of summoning elementals of rage and flame to her side, and has survived by putting those minions between herself and Jund's dangers.

Over the years, Rakka Mar has drifted from clan to clan of human warriors, offering her services of elemental summoning to those who will take her in. She has seen many clans disintegrate in their pursuit of the Life Hunt. Her elementals have been a useful weapon in those Hunts, but for her the Life Hunt has a deeper purpose.

Rakka's driving desire is to be able to summon even greater and more devastating elementals—although it may seem a defensive desire to combat the encroachment of death, at root her motivation is a simple lust for power. Nicol Bolas saw the potential in Rakka Mar immediately, and lured her with the promise of more magical power. The fact that she ranges all over Jund and interacts with clan after clan means that she gives Bolas great reach into the minds and hearts of many of Jund's cultures. Bolas has used Rakka's influence among the human war-clans to promote even greater and more dramatic Life Hunts. She also manipulates the human tribes into challenging dragons and viashino for dominance and fuels their bloodlust for prey on Naya and Grixis.

In return, Rakka has gained dark powers of elementalism the likes of which she's never felt before. Her facility with summoning even outstrips her early career as a promising young shaman's daughter. Her soul spills over with dark rage, making it hard for her to keep hidden her growing malice for her own kind, but at the same time giving her an abnormal vivacity that's allowed her to keep pace with the muscular predators of Jund. She's seen only fragments of Bolas's plans—as gleams in his draconic eyes, during his short visits in Jund to counsel her—but she knows something greater than her entire savage world lies in her fate. She knows her status as a minion—and is all too willing to play her part.

In Alara Unbroken she manages to convince Kresh Bloodbraided and his clan to kill a mighty hellkite who (according to her speech) treatens the clan by attacking it in it's own lair. During the travel they were attacked by viashinos, which were defeated by her stone elementals. They also catched up with Sarkhan Vol, who offered his aid in confronting the dragon. When they arrived to the dragon's lair, Rakka betrayed the Jundians and used them as bait while she revealed the Jund's Obelisk.

Later, she saved Sarkhan Vol and presented to him her master, Planeswalker Nicol Bolas. After that, she continued promoting the Life Hunt's ideology throughout Jund.

Time later Ajani (along with Kresh and the remaining members of his clan) sought out Rakka in order to get information about Nicol Bolas. Rakka almost killed Kresh with a powerful thunder-like energy, and offered Ajani to take him to her master but only if he killed the Jundians who accompained him. Ajani was tempted by this offering, but ultimately killed Rakka with a mighty bolt of rage.