Abbey matrons

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Abbey matrons
Founded on Onella, Aysen, Ulgrotha
Status Unknown
Notable members Gulsen
Races Humans
Associated Colors

The abbey matrons were red-robed women of the city of Onella on Ulgrotha who enforced Aysen laws, sometimes using harsh punishments to ensure that children obeyed and grew up well behaved. They were only accountable to the Abbot of Onella, and, obviously, Serra.[1]


These women were responsible for the daily affairs of Onella. While a central council delegated responsibilities, matrons of all ages settled disputes, attended to the sick and injured of all Aysen, and worked out agreements with traders and merchants. In particular, they held the deciding votes in the trice-yearly bureaucratic councils attended by representatives from every community of Aysen, decided peacetime military issues, and oversaw the operation of the Serra Aviary, in order to make sure that the young caretakers of the birds got strong doses of common sense and wisdom.

With the disappearance of Serra, the matrons had their hand full quashing rumors that Serra had died or abandoned Aysen, but even some of them were starting to have second thoughts on whether Serra would ever return to the Homelands.[2]

In-game references

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