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Race Human
Birthplace Aysen, Ulgrotha
Lifetime Very old as of 3800 AR

Hazduhr, the Abbot of Onella also called the "Venerable Abbot", was chosen by Serra from the people of Onella, on Ulgrotha, after the previous Abbot died, and was chosen for his potential and his open-mindedness.[1] The Abbot was responsible for the spiritual and moral well-being of all Aysen. The last Abbot Serra chose before she left Ulgrotha was Hazduhr the Abbot.[2]

Hazduhr was an elderly man around 3800 AR, and was quickly growing ill in his advancing years; he was very unlikely to live more than a few seasons longer. It was feared that, when he died, Serra would not appear to choose a successor. Nobody knew exactly what dire consequences this would cause among Aysen. Hazduhr was still capable of acting and making decisions when needed, but he surely no longer had the initiative and energy of his youth. His knowledge and insight made him an invaluable ruler, but he was rapidly becoming a symbol of the spiritual and societal bankruptcy growing within Aysen.[3]

In-game references

Represented in:


  1. Christopher Ferris (October 1995). "Homelands." The Duelist #7, 10-13
  2. Homelands
  3. Backstory for Magic the Gathering : Homelands