Royal hunters

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Royal hunters
Founded on Great Wood, Ulgrotha
Status Unknown
Notable members Veldrane
Races Humans
Associated Colors

The Royal hunters are elite servants of Baron Sengir, on Ulgrotha. After he found out that he had enemies within the Great Wood that hindered the travels of his vampires, he laid plans instead of laying waste in the forest. Not knowing what was hidden within the depths of the wood, he found himself a hunter who would do the reconnaissance and the needed killing for him. The Baron, however, didn't turn the man into a vampire, since he needed to fit in among the forest people. From then on, the royal hunters brought Sengir information, and the heads of important enemies, for generations. The hunters passed on their secrets to their children, knowing that the hunters would be treated relatively well by the Baron. The favorite hunter of Sengir is Veldrane.[1]
