Willow priestesses

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Willow priestesses
Founded on Great Wood, Ulgrotha
Status Unknown
Notable members Gemma
Races Faeries
Associated Colors

The Willow priestesses are faerie servants of the Autumn Willow on Ulgrotha.


Often seen wearing gowns of luminescence and gossamer, these beings seem no more tangible than a shaft of soft moonlight in the trees. There are some stories about an old trapper who witnessed a Willow Priestess lift an injured animal from a metal trap and vanish into the mists. The Willow Priestesses tend to the injured creatures of the Great Wood, sometimes even pets or livestock if a farm is too close to the border of the Wood. They don't accept payment for their work, and have never been known to talk aloud, though the dwarven trader Halina tells that she once heard strange languages in her mind when she was walking the Lady's Path.[1]

In-game references

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