Hour of Devastation

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Hour of Devastation
Set Information
Set symbol
Set size 184
Expansion code HOU[2]
Development codename Laughs

Hour of Devastation is the 75rd Magic expansion, and the second in the Amonkhet block. It will be released on July 14, 2017,[3] and is a small expansion.

Set details

Hour of Devastation contains 184 cards (presumably 68 commons, 60 uncommons, 42 rares, 12 mythic rares) and includes randomly inserted premium versions of all cards. The expansion symbol is a TBA.


“  Unleash your Endgame  ”

A revolt takes place on Amonkhet.


Hour of Devastation is sold in 16-card boosters (one card being a marketing card), two planeswalker decks and the Hour of Devastation bundle.


Prerelease Events take place on July 8, 2017

Promotional Cards

Tokens and emblems

Themes and mechanics

Card types


Mirrored pairs

Reprinted cards

Functional Reprints

Card comparisons

Preconstructed decks

Hour of Devastation will have two planeswalker decks:

deck name
Colors Included Planeswalker
{W} {U} {B} {R} {G}
Unknown unknown
Unknown unknown
