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Naya is one of five Shards of Alara. It is primarily green-aligned, with red and white as secondary colors.

It is inhabited by gargantuan beasts, humans, elves who worship the beasts, a feline race called nacatl, and minotaurs that stalk the canyons. After the Shards realigned and Alara was reborn, some vedalken heretics from Esper migrated to Naya, while the coatl snakes were created from the influx of blue mana.

Naya is Ajani's birthplace.

Notable locations

  • Empire of the Clouds
  • Qasali Valley
  • Qasal — the last known stronghold of the Cloud Nacatl
  • The Valley of the Ancients — the resting place for the hydra-god Progenitus.


When the Conflux occured, black mana from Jund and blue mana from Bant flooded into Naya. Even though the powerful gargantuans kept intruders at bay, they could not stop the black and blue mana. New creatures appeared, even red-white creatures. Naya is now flooded with all five colors. The druid's powers began to decrease until they could no longer control the beasts. The behemoths roamed wild, destroying the forest and killing everything in sight. Naya's borders continue to run into the borders of Jund and Bant until it has completely connected to the other five shards. Now Naya is part of the New Alara.

External links