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Race Human
Birthplace New Argive, Dominaria
Lifetime Mending Era

Shanid is a human knight from Dominaria.


Where most people would see a quiet hamlet, a peaceful township, or a remote farm, Shanid - knight-ambassador of New Argive - sees only threats in disguise. Dispatched by Stenn to uncover signs of Phyrexian sleeper agents in the Balduvian Steppe, Shanid might be even more paranoid and ruthless than the man he answers to and has left a trail of burned villages behind him. A stray word or misplaced rumor has led to the scouring of entire communities in the name of securing the homeland. It has led some to wonder who the real monsters haunting the steppe are - Sheoldred's infiltrators, or Shanid and his soldiers.[1]

In-game references

Represented in:


  1. Roy Graham (September 1, 2022). "The Legends You'll Find in Dominaria United". Wizards of the Coast.