Grand Sultan of Arathoxia

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The Grand Sultan of Arathoxia was the leader of Arathoxia on Dominaria.

The Grand Sultan would not allow a treaty between Ravidel’s Ephren and House Scarlet. When Ravidel assaulted Arathoxia, the Sultan ordered the House lords – Lady Verdenth, Marshal Bikov, and the Lord of the Black Fortress – to find Jared Carthalion in order to give Ravidel what he wanted.

Yorgo found the Grand Sultan two months after the fall of Arathoxia. He lied to Jared, telling him that he would have taken Jared had he known Jared and Ezer were in Arathoxia, and said that he wished to stop Ravidel's conquest of Corondor. He was still alive when he was last seen.