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Template:Character Greensleeves was an archdruid during Modern Times on Aerona (Dominaria), and briefly a planeswalker. She was a slender woman with long blond hair.



During her youth Greensleeves lived peacefully with her brother Gull in the village of White Ridge, on the border of the Whispering Woods.[1] She was perceived to be dim-witted, because she couldn't talk, but only chattered in animal sounds to communicate simple emotions-fear, hunger, interest etc. One day a falling star was seen in the sky, which was reputed to be a bad omen. This was proven true when White Ridge was destroyed during a wizards' duel. The elders and the children all died, and almost all remaining villagers decided to relocate elsewhere. One of the duelling wizards, Towser, came to Gull and, after assuring him he had no part in the destruction of the village, asked him to become his new freightmaster. Gull, confused by the mind magic of Towser and with nowhere else to go, accepted his offer and brought Greensleeves along.


After a difficult slog through the forest, the Towser's wagon train reached its destination: the place where the star fell. The star was revealed by Towser to be a Mana Vault, a powerful artifact which could store mana. During the night, the camp was attacked by another wizard and who kidnapped Greensleeves and Gull's girlfriend Lily. The wizard was defeated by a suddenly appearing Fungusaur. Finally out of the Woods, the convoy stopped for the night near a swamp. During the night, though, Kem, a bodyguard of Towser, was kidnapped by Sedfe Trolls, so Gull and Greensleeves entered the bog and saved him.

The convoy finally reached a coastal city. Gull was amazed to find out that Greensleeves suddenly could talk, since it was the overwhelming magic of the Whispering Woods that had clouded her thoughts.


One night, the siblings and Lily were kidnapped by Towser's minions. Back at the camp the wizard revealed his intention to kill Greensleeves and store her power in the Mana Vault. A fight started, and Towser was forced to teleport away Gull, as well as his friends Morven and Stiggur. The three found themselves on a tropical island, where they met other creatures enslaved by Towser. It appeared that the island was where Towser would send his minions when he didn't need them, and that there wasn't any way to escape from it. Still, Gull refused to surrender and started organizing the people on the island in a ragtag army, until one day he was summoned back by Lily who, unbeknownst to herself, was a wizard. Towser had tied Greensleeves to an altar and he was ready to kill her, when Kem changed sides and came to her rescue. At the same time Greensleeves, who also was revealed to be a wizard (she had summoned the Fungusaur), started summoning her friends and all the creatures of the woods to fight Towser's minions. Still, Towser was a veteran wizard and could control his creatures better than Greensleeves. She resolved to use an earthquake, which destroyed the cliff they were on and plunged them in the sea. A tsunami, caused by the earthquake, was coming, so Towser escaped with his flight spell. Gull, Greensleeves and Stiggur escaped from the huge wave taking refuge in a crack in the cliffside, while Morven and Kem were swept away by the sea. After the water had settled, they found that Lily, and some other friends had survived. They vowed to form an army in order to fight Towser, and all other evil wizards who saw people as mindless pawn.


Greensleeves was taught by the archdruid Chaney, and absorbed Chaney's lifeforce to become an archdruid herself.


She briefly became a planeswalker, but she burned her spark out in a powerful spell healing the Island of Lat-Nam's suffering since it was devastated and poisoned by the Brothers' forces.

In-game references

Depicted and referred to in:

On Greensleeves' spark

Greensleeves appeared only in prerevisionist books, in which there was no mention of a planeswalker's spark: any mage could break the plane's veil with the right spells and sufficient mana and travel across the planes. To make the prerevisionist books fit Revisionist Continuity, many people believe that wizards who became planeswalkers by spells actually possessed sparks that were flared by the spells they cast, but didn't know of these sparks or their role in becoming planeswalkers.

On Greensleeves' mana

Greensleeves demonstrated use of all 5 colors of mana. However, given her title of Archdruid, she was principally skilled in green magic, and disliked harmful magic.
