Lady of Otaria

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Lady of Otaria
[[File:{{#setmainimage:Lady of Otaria.jpg}}|250px]]
Race Avatar
Giant (formerly)
Birthplace Dominaria
Lifetime Immortal?
The Myths of Magic

The Lady of Otaria, also known as the Lady of the Mountain, is an avatar from Dominara worshiped as a diety by the Dwarves of Otaria and Sarpadia.


The Lady of Otaria was once said to have been a giant known as the Lady of the Mountain and later an avatar. Dwarven legends say she was created by Gaea and Fiers to watch and care for Dominara. At some point an unknown evil attacked the world, creating the goblins to undo it, so she created the dwarves to defend it. The Lady and the dwarves succeeded in defeating the evil, but the Lady was injured and had to hide under the earth to recuperate. Since that day the dwarves have kept her three names secret, as speaking one of those names could summon her in cases of dire need. One was (supposedly) used by the Sarpadian dwarves to evacuate them from Sarpadia to Terisiare when their empire fell following the Brothers' War, and she was potentially summoned a second time during the first Phyrexian Invasion of Dominaria.[1][2]

In-game references

Represented in:


  1. Will McDermott and Daneen McDermott, Jess Lebow, ed. (2000.) "The Lady of the Mountain", The Myths of Magic, Wizards of the Coast. ISBN-13 0-7869-1529-3.
  2. a b Ethan Fleischer (August 23, 2022). "I led the design process for the box toppers". Twitter.