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Race Human
Birthplace Sarpadia, Dominaria
Lifetime Born unknown, died ~ 170 AR
Fallen Empires Comic

Vaylesh, known as the Ebon Hand Priestess, was a high priestess in the Order of the Ebon Hand on Sarpadia (Dominaria).


Travelling with a small brigade of Order of the Ebon Hand she captured Tymolin Loneglade in Havenwood.[1] She then send a challenge to Oliver Farrel in an attempt to get the Farrelites to engage in open combat. Vaylesh was a cruel person, threatening her subordinates with the loss of their second hand and only keeping Tymolin alive to ensure Farrel's arrival. It is unknown how, but Vaylesh possessed knowledge of Tymolin and Farrel's affair.

While awaiting Farrel, Tymolin begged for Vaylesh to cooperate with Farrel to ally the Order of the Ebon Hand, Farrelites, and Elves against an orc-goblin army. Vaylesh payed her words no heed, confirming her only goal was to see Oliver Farrel dead. When the zealot finally arrived at the Ebon Hand encampment with his Farrelites, she allowed Farrel to speak with Tymolin. Surprising even Vaylesh herself Farrel then stabbed Tymolin to death. Vaylesh in turn ordered her troops to attack and summoned a Derelor. Before the battle could even really begin an enraged Tev Loneglade arrived, incinerating the Derelor and then everyone who was present with a Fireball.[2]


  1. Fallen Empires Comic Volume 1 - Rumors of War
  2. Fallen Empires Comic Volume 2 - Nations Asunder