Tori D'Avenant

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Tori D'Avenant
Race Human
Birthplace Avenant, Dominaria
Lifetime Mending Era

Tori D'Avenant is a human knight from Dominaria.


Tori was born with a degenerative disease, rare but not unheard of to royalty of the D'Avenant line. By the time she was a teenager, she had lost the use of her legs entirely. While this somewhat complicated her training as a cavalry officer, it hardly stopped her. Now, with a specially trained warhorse and a custom saddle, Tori rides into battle at the head of the Avenant Fury Riders. She is known especially for her fearlessness in battle, never flinching from a line of enemy spears.[1]

In-game references

Represented in:


  1. Roy Graham (September 1, 2022). "The Legends You'll Find in Dominaria United". Wizards of the Coast.