Starfield Orb

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Starfield Orb
Origin Dominaria
Creator Urza
User Jodah
Status In working order

The Starfield Orb is an artifact created by Urza as a failsafe to help Teferi Akosa fight the Phyrexians in case he failed.[1][2]


The Starfield Orb is a delicate, black crystal orb nestled in a cage of silver vines.[1] Soft lights inside it glow and wink in and out of existence like a captured starfield. Thran script within the silver mesh spells out the message "Go back to the beginning and greet me properly." When shocked with a spell Teferi used to greet other Tolarians, it sends the caster into a pocket dimension.[2]

The dimension within contains a copy of the cabin Urza stayed with Xantcha in the Ohran Mountains on Gulmany. Inside the cabin are constructs of Xantcha and Mishra, numerous copies of The Antiquities War by Kayla bin-Kroog, and many of Urza's plans for defeating the Phyrexians. Among the plans were a simulation of a battle between Urza's and Mishra's forces, blueprints for Yotian soldiers and clay statues, and details of the Bloodline Project and The Legacy.[2]


Around the time of the Phyrexian Invasion of Dominaria, Urza left a series of artifacts hidden on the plane. Over 300 years later, in 4560 AR, Teferi located the Orb in his search for artifacts that might help him repair the Zhalfirin time rift. Traveling to a monument in the Tivan Desert that held the Orb, he was able to solve a series of puzzles designed for him by Urza - though he did not know this at the time - with the help of his daughter Niambi, the Weatherlight crew and the Gatewatch.[1]

Two years later, the Orb was among a cache of artifacts Teferi delivered to Saheeli Rai to aid in the construction of the Temporal Anchor, a time machine. While sitting in Urza's Tower for a few weeks, the artifact imbued the spirit of General Sharaman with enough energy to interfere with the machine's testing. When Jodah investigated the orb, he was able to enter the pocket dimension it contained. Realizing that its contents were meant to assist Teferi in defeating the Phyrexians, he resolved to share its contents with the mage after his work with the Anchor was complete.[2]


  1. a b c Martha Wells (April 18, 2018). "Return to Dominaria - Episode 6".
  2. a b c d Reinhardt Suarez (October 24, 2022). "The Brothers' War - Chapter 2: Antiquities".