Rootha Squallheart

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Rootha Squallheart
Race Orc
Birthplace Arcavios
Lifetime Mending Era

Rootha Squallheart is a female orc and mage student of the Prismari college of Strixhaven on Arcavios.[1]


She is a unique and distinct individual with long vibrant colored hair and skin tinted with red and blue hues. Her clothes are expressive and dramatic, often consisting of scarlet fire and aqua-blue water elements. The clothes mix as though she were a painted ocean of lava. Rootha is unsurprisingly artistic, but can sometimes be hot-tempered, matching the flames she wears.

Rootha is the fifth generation of her family to be in the Prismari college. She seeks to break free of her family's reputation and make her own art. She's impulsive and fiery, with her hair and clothes colored to reflect her position in Prismari, but she's also deeply self-critical and unsure of herself.

Rootha has trouble completing her work and handing it in on time for critique, most of her professors have little choice but to chase her down on campus to warrant a glimpse. She claims that her work is never ready – forever conscious that it isn’t quite right. In true self-critic style, Rootha commonly becomes infatuated with a great visionary idea which she spends weeks working on…only to decide she hates it causing her to destroy her creation in mere moments.

With her mother, Samara Squallheart, being a famous, talented caster, Rootha is under pressure to live up to the achievements of the rest of her family line. She carries a heavy weight on her artistic shoulders and the constant link and expectations caused by her family can be frustrating, sometimes anger inducing. She wishes to break free from her family association and follow her own style. Her mother could wave intricate sculptures made from ice and water, but Rootha has wild magic; she is able to flash freeze water in one magnificent burst. She is learning to embrace her wild magic to push herself beyond her limits to seek recognition and fame for her own creations rather than those of her ancestors."
