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Race Cat warrior
Birthplace Terisiare, Dominaria
Lifetime During the Planar Chaos

Shikka is a cat warrior who encountered both the Planar Chaos-shifted vampiric Mirri and the time-shifted Jedit Ojanen.


Shikka is a proud and determined cat warrior who lives in a forest that has become dry and gray. She has a strong sense of duty and loyalty to her natural environment, choosing to stay and protect it despite its deteriorated state rather than leaving with others who follow a renowned ancestor, Jedit Ojanen, timeshifted from the past.

Shikka refuses to abandon the forest, demonstrating her deep commitment to her home and natural duty. She has a strong sense of pride, both in herself and in her heritage, which prevents her from following Jedit Ojanen, whom she sees as having forsaken the forest. Despite the hopelessness and alien feeling that briefly washes over her, she remains resolute in her decision to stay and protect the forest. Shikka is courageous, facing the bleakness of her situation head-on and even attempting to confront the Mirri-vampire despite its overwhelming power.


Shikka was faced with a decision to either leave the forest or stay and protect it. She chose to stay, convincing her companion Talack to do the same. As time passed, news of Mirri’s arrival spread among the forest's cats, bringing a mix of hope and dread. When Mirri, now twisted by a curse and transformed into a powerful and malevolent vampire, begins slaughtering the forest cats, Shikka witnesses the horror and cannot believe her eyes. Shikka is forced to flee for her life with Talack as the cursed Mirri attacks their fellow cats, leaving behind a scene of carnage. In the aftermath, the surviving cats band together for protection and solace, with Shikka among them, although she feels a profound sense of loss and uncertainty about their future.

Story appearances

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Time Twists and Destinies Interchange Matt Cavotta January 25, 2007 Planar Chaos Dominaria, Rath Shikka, Talack, Mirri, Selenia, Crovax, Jedit Ojanen