List of card art descriptions

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List of card art descriptions
Card Description
Eron the Relentless (Homelands) Eron is regal, crazy-eyed, and damn good-looking. It would be good to show a few of his scars.[1]
Look at Me, I'm the DCI (Unglued) [DCI, What Does that Stand for Again?]

We see a blindfolded man throwing darts at a dartboard. Magic cards are stuck on the dart-board.[2]

Mesa Chicken (Unglued) A majestic-looking chicken.[3]
Rod of Ruin (Ninth Edition) Show a sinister-looking magical scepter of your design.[4]
Sauté (Unhinged) Location: a kitchen, or maybe the set of a TV cooking show

Action: A gigantic, monstrous hand, maybe that of a Krosan Cloudscraper, for example, stirs a wooden spoon in a huge skillet or wok. Inside the pan, hundreds of little beebles are getting sauteed. The beebles look anywhere from panicked to (comically) dead (little flailing arms, Xs instead of eyes to show the dead ones, etc.).[5]

Nature's Spiral (Magic 2010) Action: This is a symbolic representation of rebirth: Amid a patch of ferns, we see an extreme closeup of a trio of fern "fiddleheads," the curled-up fronds of a young fern. But these fiddleheads have taken on curled-up creature shapes -- a snake, a nautilus, and a human embryo.

Focus: the fiddleheads
Mood: Symbolic of renewed life of all kinds[6]

Essence Scatter (Magic 2010) Action: A troll (or coolio creature of your design) becomes a burst of small birds (maybe something between a bluebird and a sparrow) that fly off in every direction. There should be more birds than troll.

Focus: The disintegrating troll.
Mood: The troll that never had a chance to be[7]

Divination (Magic 2010) Color: Blue spell

Location: unimportant
Action: This spell represents a mental breakthrough, a stroke of genius. Show a human mage's hand that has just reached into a "scrying bowl" of clear water. Where the mage withdraws his hand from the water, we see that he's holding two small glass keys -- but the keys exists only above the water's surface. There's nothing in the water at all.
Focus: the symbol of wisdom gained
Mood: no stage magic -- this is the conjuration of raw knowledge[8]

Time Warp (Magic 2010) Color: Blue spell

Location: n/a
Action: This spell is powerful time magic -- it stretches time for the caster, slowing down the rest of the world. Show this symbolically: we see a huge curling wave, and we see a figure calmly walking on the water of the wave, away from us, as though the ripcurl is a tunnel. We even see the figure's footsteps lingering in the time-frozen surface of the water.
Focus: the time-warping magic -- especially the footsteps (which are key to showing that the wave is "stopped")
some sort of doubled image of a blue mage as a 'suicide king' is represented on a playing card. can be abstract and design-y. just needs to read as 'blue' and 'time manipulation'
Mood: When you're a powerful enough wizard, not even time holds sway over you.[9]

Sign in Blood (Magic 2010) Color: Black spell

Location: unimportant
Action: Closeup on an evil mage's grimoire. The mage is writing his newest spell in it -- with the blood oozing from his finger. His fingernail is sliced down the middle, creating a kind of calligraphy nib.
Focus: the action
Mood: Arcane power has a price in blood.[10]

Captain of the Watch (Magic 2010) Mood: An inspiring, fearless, and beautiful leader.[10]
Act of Treason (Magic 2010) Mood: A lapse of homicidal insanity[10]
Soul Bleed (Magic 2010) Mood: A symbol of spiritual decay and deterioration[10]
Djinn of Wishes (Magic 2010) Mood: Choose wisely -- all power comes with a price.[10]
Stampeding Rhino (Magic 2010) Mood: Unstoppable.[10]
Glacial Fortress (Magic 2010) Mood: Indomitable, isolated, titanic[10]
Water Servant (Magic 2011) Color: Blue creature

Location: A pool or seaside
Action: This is a classic water elemental, a 10-foot-tall creature made from living water. It has a discernible head, perhaps with a normal crab inside it that almost makes a 'face' shape, but the rest of its body bends and twists fluidly, forming strong tendrils that look like they could knock you over.
Focus: The water elemental
Mood: Malleable, looming, fluid[11]

Sun Titan (Magic 2011) This titan represents the power of the sun. He's huge (about 25 ft/8m tall), muscular, and armed with shining armor and a greatsword. His eyes glow so brightly with 'sunlight' that his face is mostly one will ever face him eye to eye-- a breathtaking and terrible sight for tiny mortals.[12]
Frost Titan (Magic 2011) This titan represents the power of ice and frost. He's huge (about 25 ft/8m tall), with ice-blue muscular physique, and armed with an axe of ice -- a breathtaking and terrible sight for tiny mortals. from his mouth eminates a constant sheet of heavy frost, like a breath of steam from heavy dry ice. He looks down on us, coldly condescending.[12]
Grave Titan (Magic 2011) This titan represents the power of death and darkness. He's huge (about 25 ft/8m tall), muscular, and armed with black plate armor (though its open around his ribs and stomach) and a jagged scythe, ornamented with dangling human and not-so-human skulls -- a breathtaking and terrible sight for tiny mortals. His chest cavity is stuffed with various corpses, that slowly fall from his exposed rib cage as he moves.. and army of undead that fall from him.[12]
Inferno Titan (Magic 2011) This titan represents the power of fire. He's huge (about 25 ft/8m tall), with red-tinted skin, a fiery beard, and armed with a huge fiery flail -- a breathtaking and terrible sight for tiny mortals. Show him whipping up a great whoosh of fire, as if he's about to set the whole mountainside aflame.[12]
Primeval Titan (Magic 2011) This titan represents the fury of Mother Nature. He's huge (about 25 ft/8m tall), muscular, fully-bearded (maybe ivy grows in his beard), dressed in natural armor (perhaps fur, leather, and vines), and armed with a huge wooden hammer or tree-cudgel, and in the other hand carries a sling of some sort loaded with a stone. greenish mist accompanies his presence -- a breathtaking and terrible sight for tiny mortals. Show him shouting or shaking a mighty fist in rage, or otherwise summoning up a great power of natural fury.[12]
Greater Basilisk (Magic 2011) Color: Green creature

Location: Forest
Action: Show a basilisk, a six-legged lizard with a deadly gaze. I want the halo death screen here... we see the basalisk in a very dutched camera shot, as if we are laying dead on our side viewing it. the viewer's own petrified hand can be seen on the ground in frame.
Focus: The basilisk
Mood: One look, and you die.[13]

Arc Runner (Magic 2011) This is an onrushing elemental made of lightning zooming along the ground, almost more a high-speed projectile than a creature. Perhaps it has a lowered "head" and "horns" of electricity like a bull, ram, or triceratops, but instead of rear legs it just has sparks of electricity.[14]
Brittle Effigy (Magic 2011) Color: Artifact

Action: this is a small, beautiful, obviously delicate faceted crystal container for a soul. It is vaguely humanoid, and set into a base of gold and silver. a fine golden chain runs from the base to a small pointed hammer that is etches with runes. this is an item of beauty meant to be used. once.
Mood: You get one use -- and that's all you need.[15]

Fauna Shaman (Magic 2011) Color: Green creature

Action: Show a beautiful female elven shaman in the woods. She's performing a ceremony in sacred garb that has many animal elements -- feathers, claws, bits of fur, and small animal fetishes crafted from these animal elements.
Mood: She's in touch with the mysteries of the woodland animals[16]

Waste Not (Magic 2015) [Revenge of Necromancy]

Color: Black Spell
Location: A nasty trash heap outside a small settlement
Action: We see a RAG MAN, a hunched and withered humanoid figure who appears to be held together by frayed ropes and worn leather straps. The being is standing triumphantly atop a heap of bones, broken armor and weapons, and other less identifiable trash. It is holding up a skull in one hand; the other hand clutches a filthy sack that is bulging with "treasures." A glow of purplish power surrounds the Rag Man and the skull.
Focus: The glowing figure.
Mood: Creepy yet eco-friendly.[17][18]

[Necromancy Ascendant] Color: Black Spell

Location: An ancient cemetery
Action: We see an old cemetery, but there are ornate stone sarcophagi instead of dug graves. The lids of several sarcophagi have been moved, exposing the rotting corpses inside. A dark, purplish-black mist rises out the mouths and eyes of the corpses like dry ice. It billows out onto the ground, corrupting the cemetery grass.
Focus: The necromantic mist
Mood: There is no peace in this rest.[17]

[Season of the Lich] Color: Black Spell

Location: A misty clearing between withered trees
Action: This is a mood piece, set at night. The background of the image is an enormous full moon which touches the horizon... very bright, but slightly ominous in its tint. Most of the image is in silhouette against the moon's light, but in the foreground we can see enough to know that we are in a dense pumpkin patch to give us a sense that this is a specific time of year. In the center of the image is a figure, very tall and impossibly thin, who is seen in hard silhouette against the moon. His posture is regal, his face slightly upturned to the night.
As the pumpkin shapes become more back-lit we realize that some of the curved silhouettes aren't pumpkins at all, but are the hunched backs of several zombies who are starting to rise from among the patch.
Focus: The scene
Mood: "In the first hour of the third day of the seventh season, dim your lamps. Hush your infants. And lock your doors."[17]

[Necromancer's Call] Color: Black Spell

Location: A field of corpses on a blasted wasteland.
Action: A necromancer stands with her arms outstretched. Ghostly energy is coursing up from the bodies that are strewn about. The energy converges around her where it begins to turn purplish. Maybe in the background we can see silhouettes of zombies rising out of the ground.
Focus: The energy rising out of the corpses and the ground.
Mood: Supernatural, eerie[17]

[Liliana's Wake]
Color: Black Spell

Location: Outdoors, during a colorful dusk
Action: Liliana wades toward camera through murky waist-deep water. Her body language is graceful and confidant, there is a smirk on her face. Her hands are outstretched just enough to agitate the surface of the water on both sides of her as she wades. Behind her two trails of zombies have just begun to rise from the water and follow her, as if awakened by the ripples caused by her hands.
Focus: The scene
Mood: Placid. Pretty. And frightening.[17]

As Luck Would Have It (Unstable) A barbarian warlord on her carved throne, with her weapons and impressive collection of lucky symbols. She has a horseshoe, green four leaf clover, pot of gold with rainbow, a live rabbit sits in her lap, and she crosses the index and middle finger of one hand; in her other hand she holds a small copper coin.

Mood: Even badasses need a little luck. Or a lot![19]

Slippery Bogle (Ultimate Masters) Color: Green and blue creature

Location: Damp, spooky forest
Action: Here's a chance to do a little creature design. This is a small BOGLE, which basically means "weird beastie." It's about half a meter tall and appears SLIPPERY, with slick or slimy skin. It's skittering among gnarled roots, or maybe crossing a small stream.
We've sent this card's original art for reference, but you can deviate from it significantly. We're inclined to keep the basic anatomy of a big head with two legs, and those weird, hand-like feet. But even that is up for negotiation if you've got a different weird beastie design—just make sure it isn't humanoid and doesn't look too much like any particular real-world animal or myth creature.
Focus: The slippery bogle
Mood: Creepy yet cute, but also kind of gross[20]

Ravenous Giant (Modern Horizons) An enormous, monstrous male giant holds up a human soldier with one hand, dangling the person in front of his face like a human might hold up a mouse. The giant grins evilly.[21]
Rhox Veteran (Modern Horizons) A rhox, a large humanoid rhinoceros, is charging into battle, fully armed and armored!

Mood: CHARGE![22]

Jousting Dummy (Throne of Eldraine) Knights-in-training often construct a jousting dummy to help them practice jousting. This is an *enchanted* dummy that actually rides a dummy-horse -- it's a complete dummy-knight!

Mood: It looks unremarkable... until you lose a joust to it[23]

Cauldron Familiar (Throne of Eldraine) Mysterious black cat walking (or sitting) on the edge of the mystical cauldron. One of its eyes is whited-out, hinting that this cat has already used a few of its nine lives.[24]
Grumgully the Generous (Throne of Eldraine) An odd little forest goblin who's known for giving unwanted gifts. Based on the other goblins from the set, but be unique and a little more tied to the forest. Maybe he grows spotted mushrooms on his head and back.

Mood: Like a weird, silent old man offering you a weird gross old-person candy. "Uhhhh... thanks?"[25]

Mistford River Turtle (Throne of Eldraine) Location: A misty lake somewhere in the wilderness.

Action: Show a giant, fantastical turtle swimming along the surface of a lake. This turtle helps creatures of the Wilds cross bodies of water, so maybe it has a Dwarf or Goblin riding on its back.
Mood: He would probably be grouchy to humans, but he's helpful to fae creatures[26]

Earthshaker Giant (Game Night 2019) Show a powerful giant of your design dressed in forest elements, such as leaves and vines, and wielding a staff. Amber-colored magic emanates from the staff and swirls around background figures of various large wild creatures, perhaps bears, boars, panthers, etc.[27]
Irreverent Revelers (Theros Beyond Death) One or two satyrs are dancing on the altar, KICKING over objects, and in general causing MAYHEM inside this sacred Ephara temple. In the background we see a couple of priests, looking scandalized and furious.[28]
Parcelbeast (Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths) Action: Show an ELEMENTAL BEAST, who's carrying a leafy branch or sapling in its mouth, like a cat who's bringing its master a present. This thing is big and strong -- larger than a buffalo -- but the magical "wispies" around its body and its kind demeanor make it seem gentle.

Mood: A gentle giant who just wants to bring you presents![29]

Aegis Turtle (Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths) Mood: When you're this hard to eat, you can afford to be serene.[30]
Durable Coilbug (Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths) Design your own "coilbug," a fantastical armored nonflying insect about 3-4 feet (1m) long, that collapses into a spiral or sphere when attacked, sort of like a fierce, fantasy version of a pill bug. Maybe show one walking around and another in its coiled-up state.

Mood: A weird little friend[31]

Burlfist Oak (Core Set 2021) Show an autumnal treefolk of your design swinging knotty "tree-fist" branches like it's going to knock you down, its tree-fists glowing with powerful green magic.

Mood: Nothing hits as hard as a tree that decides it doesn't like you[32]

Griffin Aerie (Core Set 2021) Show a griffin's nest that's been built atop the tallest, most inaccessible tower in the castle. Two adult griffins protectively circle the tower, watching out for any threats to their precious chicks, who squall for food at the tops of their lungs.

Mood: One big noisy family[33]

War Room (Commander Legends) Show a wide shot of an expansive war room. At its center is a table covered with maps and figurines that represent armies. At the head of the table is a tall chair (not a throne) intended for whoever is in charge. Smaller seats line the sides of the table. Light pours in from high windows. This is a land card, so camera should be pulled back far enough to make the entire room the focus.[34]
Court of Bounty (Commander Legends) A throne room whose walls are made of trees grown into the walls in a harmonious blend of organic and inorganic. In the center is an immense, empty throne of your design that incorporates various plant and animal elements, such as fangs, claws, antlers, branches, etc. Light shines down in patterns that resemble giant claw marks across the floor.

Mood: A new era of growth and power"[35]

Sword of the Realms (Kaldheim, #299) Show the legendary sword stuck in a hillside made up of dead enemies. Choose either Demons, Giants, or Zombies/Draugr. The sword glows and emits vertical flares of iridescent light. We see hints of the World Tree branches in the background.

Mood: The battle is over, for now.[36]

Halvar, God of Battle (Kaldheim, #299) Show Halvar inside the Gods' Hall, in a dynamic pose facing forward as he wields the Sword of the Realms. Flanking him, we see other helmeted warriors. They all have determined stares (They are all coming for you). Halvar himself has the "god light effect" and the helmets he has made for the flanking troops also have the "god light effect" (only the helmets). They have just cut through a pack of enemies shown by slashes, some blood, chinks in their armor, a stray arrow or two sticking in their sides. You don't have to show the enemies but if you do, they should consist of either Demons, Giants, or Zombies/Draugr.

Mood: You're next.[37]

Arni Brokenbrow (Kaldheim, #310) Arni Brokenbrow is the reckless, charismatic leader of the Tuskeri clan. He became leader because he defeated a giant in a headbutting contest. The giant's tooth remains permanently lodged in Arni's skull. Show Arni with the giant's tooth lodged in his skull. Arni is wearily standing in front of the fallen giant. His shoulders are slumped over and his wide eyes are brightly staring out his damaged helmet. The giant is huge and should take up the frame behind him. We should see that the giant is missing a tooth. Arni has torn garments, damaged armor, and blood stains all over.

Mood: Who's next?[38]

Lorehold Command (Strixhaven: School of Mages) Color: Red & White spell

Location: Somewhere around the central quad of Strixhaven University (p.17)
Action: We'd like a group shot of a variety of LOREHOLD MAGES, the collage of history and archaeology, looking badass and doing a variety of spells for the "camera". (See examples of Lorehold mages and magic on p.103-112.) We'd like the elephantfolk mage to be prominent here, and the rest can be whoever you like.
Examples: a human archaeologist flinging flaming book-pages, a mighty spirit-monument bound together with spirit-energy, a dwarf holding a huge scroll like a bazooka, a flying owl-folk manifesting a golden glow from an open tome. And meanwhile maybe chunks of ruins are rising out of the grounds here, literally raising pieces of history.
Mood: A gang of badass archaeologists & historians! They wield the power of HISTORY ITSELF[39]

Magus of the Moon (Time Spiral Remastered) Show a powerful, enigmatic, red-aligned wizard of your design. He stands atop a stone monolith, and rising in the sky behind him we see a large, full, blood moon (see reference). The wizard looks empowered by the eerie red moonlight. Maybe the moonlight coalesces and swirls around him. Maybe he wields a magnificent staff and the moonlight swirls around that.[40]
Blossoming Calm (Modern Horizons 2) Mood: A spell that protects her from her enemies.[41]
Late to Dinner (Modern Horizons 2) Mood: A friendship that can outlast death.[42]
Lens Flare (Modern Horizons 2) Intent: The spell shows a creature being damaged by powerful rays of light.[43]
Nykthos Paragon (Modern Horizons 2) Action: Start with 190C and design a spirit known as an Eidolon that resembles a human soldier carrying a large shield.[44]
Fractured Sanity (Modern Horizons 2) Action: We’d like an epic, abstract illustration of a fantastical moon (not the real-life earth-moon), which has cracked open.[45]
Mystic Redaction (Modern Horizons 2) Action: Show GLOWING BLUE GLYPHS being TORN out of a GRIMOIRE, leaving BLANK PAGES behind.[46]
Phantasmal Dreadmaw (Modern Horizons 2) Action: Using the original art of Colossal Dreadmaw as inspiration, design an illusionary version of the dinosaur.[47]
Rise and Shine (Modern Horizons 2) Mood: "You can’t keep us locked away anymore. To battle!"[48]
Sudden Edict (Modern Horizons 2) Intent: This illustration uses an existing visual gag that shows the moments before and after a spell was cast. We’d like you to use this visual gag for a spell that destroys a creature.[49]
Underworld Hermit (Modern Horizons 2) Mood: He's the Pied Piper of squirrels.[50]
World-Weary (Modern Horizons 2) Intent: This is an abstract depiction of a spell that causes a person to rapidly age.[51]
Harmonic Prodigy (Modern Horizons 2) Focus: The musician-wizard.[52]
Abundant Harvest (Modern Horizons 2) Mood: Surrounded by the abundance of nature.[53]
Ignoble Hierarch (Modern Horizons 2) Intention: Do a mirror image of the Noble Hierarch card, only this time with a goblin.[54]
Jade Avenger (Modern Horizons 2) Action: Show a frog samurai who is a master swordsman. Skilled and agile, he stands about four feet tall and wields a daisho (see ref).[55]
Sylvan Anthem (Modern Horizons 2) Action: This is an abstract illustration that celebrates green creatures.[56]
Moderation (Modern Horizons 2) Intent: This card prevents you from casting multiple spells per turn but rewards you for your restraint.[57]
Ravenous Squirrel (Modern Horizons 2) Action: This is a squirrel who eats everything.[58]
Sythis, Harvest's Hand (Modern Horizons 2) Action: We’d like you to design Sythis, a legendary green- and white-aligned female dryad who’s closely tied to Karametra, the god of the harvest (p.26)[59]
Chatterstorm (Modern Horizons 2) Show an angry SQUIRREL "scolding" the viewer as it sits in front of an oak or other deciduous tree. In the background, we see dozens of squirrels with GLOWING EYES are peering down from the branches, ready to leap down and attack if necessary. Have fun with this one. Maybe the camera is at ground level and we're looking up at the squirrels.

Mood: Hoppin' mad and ready to fight[60]

Chatterfang, Squirrel General (Modern Horizons 2, #316) We'd like your take on a sinister, one-eyed black squirrel. Show it bounding towards the camera with deadly intent, leading an army of other squirrels. Usually when we show a lot of squirrels, they tend to be furtive or hidden, but here they've thrown away caution and are attacking head-on.

Mood: Dangerous, cunning, aggressive--not your typical squirrel[61]

Steelfin Whale (Modern Horizons 2) Show a fantastical whale with blue gems for eyes swimming in an ocean with twisted metal ruins in the background. The ruins should be appropriate for a fantasy setting so they shouldn't feel too modern. Somewhere in the image--maybe in the extreme foreground--show a small colorful fish who is caught in a bubble caused by the whale.

Mood: A massive creature drawn to these mysterious ruins[62]

Funnel-Web Recluse (Modern Horizons 2) Show a LARGE SPIDER lying in wait on a web full of WEBBED-UP ITEMS that are all possible murder weapons: daggers, bloody clubs, etc. There are also a couple of severed hands or limbs snared somewhere within the web.

Mood: Who did it and how? The spider probably knows.[63]

Holy Avenger (Forgotten Realms Commander) This is the HOLY AVENGER, a Paladin's ultimate sword! Its blade glints with a WHITE LIGHT, held in an armored glove of an off-screen wielder. Maybe in the cavern we can see the figures of undead ghouls, or skeletons, cowering away in fear of the blade, slinking back into the darkness.

Focus: The holy avenger sword
Mood: A powerful, radiant blade[64]

Involuntary Employment (New Capenna Commander) Show the giant claws of an out-of-frame dragon reaching down to grab a hammer-wielding devil. The devil, who has been smashing precious things for fun, is surrounded by piles of broken halo bottles. Maybe we see glowing halo is leaking onto the ground and/or halo smoke rings wafting into the air. The claws are the only part of the dragon we see. If possible, please include mobster-style rings on the dragon's claws. Maybe the devil is defiantly shaking his hammer at the massive claw that's about to snag him.[65]
Master of Ceremonies (New Capenna Commander) A male RHOX at a Cabaretti party, lifts a glass of HALO toward the viewer, inviting us to join the party. Several HANDS reach in from offscreen and offer him PARTY FAVORS - like hors-doeuvres, jewelry, more Halo, etc. Please vary the hands so they look like different human ethnicities and fantasy races. Maybe fireworks are going off behind him.

Focus: The rhox
Mood: Boisterous. Come join me for a good time![66]

Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes (Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate) ****PLANESWALKER – VERTICAL ASPECT RATIO***

Setting: *Pentagon*
Color: Green LEGENDARY planeswalker
Location: City of Baldur's Gate (see p.63-67, plus attached references)
Action: Show the human-hamster duo that are MINSC AND BOO (see attached references). Show Minsc in a heroic pose, with one arm held up like a falconer. Perched on that arm is Boo, who stands on his hind legs, looking alertly in the direction of the viewer. Both Minsc and Boo are eager to jump into fighting against evil! Let's zoom in on Boo a bit more—Minsc can be cut off slightly more than normal for a planeswalker card to give Boo a bit more of the spotlight.
Focus: Minsc and Boo
Mood: A good-hearted duo, eager to take on danger together![67]

Jaheira, Friend of the Forest (Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate) Setting: *Pentagon*

Color: Legendary creature associated with green mana
Location: The service counter in an inn and tavern
Action: Please show the headstrong JAHEIRA, a half-Black/half-white biracial HALF-ELF HARPER DRUID, as she sits at the counter, looks over her shoulder at the camera, and inadvertently causes pink iris flowers to grow from the wood of the counter where she touches it . . . Also see reference for Harpers, and see pp. 90 of the Zebra world guide for half-elves and pp. 138-140 for druids. If possible, we may see the half-moon motif in her clothing, the octagonal pin with the Harper symbol, and the unique detailing on the Harper cape, but combine the Harper look and colors with that of the druid reference and some unique styling and accessories to give her a unique and legendary appearance.
Focus: Jaheira.
Mood: A strong and caring hero.[67]
Notes: tied to Jaheira's Haze, ART ID #425936

Wilson, Refined Grizzly (Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate) *** EXTENDED-ART TEMPLATE WITH LIVE AREA OF STANDARD ASPECT RATIO ***

Setting: *Pentagon*
Color: Legendary creature associated with green mana
Location: A grove in the woods
Action: Please design WILSON, a very friendly, intelligent, and "well-spoken" GRIZZLY BEAR, who's holding a potion of green liquid in a vial near his mouth as if it's a fancy cup of tea, with one pinkie extended. Wilson should very obviously just be a normal bear (not anthropomorphic), but one who has very refined taste. He does not wear clothes.
Focus: Wilson.
Mood: "Well hello there! May I offer you some tea?"[67]

Pact Weapon (Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate) *** EXTENDED-ART TEMPLATE***

Setting: *Pentagon*
Color: Black artifact
Location: Unimportant—your choice.
Intent: This is a warlock's pact blade, a weapon granted to the warlock by their demonic patron.
Action: Design a warlock's PACT WEAPON, which appears as a curved SCIMITAR. Give it a unique, cruel design. Maybe we see it as it's materializing in the warlock's hands, taking solid shape out of swirls of DARK SMOKE—it can be summoned out of thin air at a moment's notice. Sigils of MALEVOLENT PURPLE MAGIC glow on the scimitar blade.
Focus: The pact weapon.
Mood: A cruel gift granted by a demonic master[67]
Notes: This art will print with TWO DIFFERENT ASPECT RATIOS: (1) the standard aspect ratio and (2) with extended margins (please see attached template). Please compose the illustration to fit cropping for the standard aspect ratio and fill the extended margins with additional, fun details as Easter egg reveals on the card printed with the extended aspect ratio.

Bhaal, Lord of Murder (Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate) Setting: *Pentagon*

Color: Legendary creature associated with black, red, and green mana
Location: We are behind the throne in a stately vaulted throne room with high windows accented with silver, green, and red (we see the back of the throne).
Action: Design a FERAL CORPSE GOD who crouches menacingly behind the throne as if he's about to spring from hiding. Two rings of floating objects circle him in midair: 1) oversized, perfect droplets of blood which encircle his head vertically to create an effect like the symbol in the reference, and 2) six bone daggers which surround him horizontally. His body looks long dead and hairless, and it has lacerations which ooze black ichor (not gory, but gross). His veins and arteries protrude from his skin irregularly (including on his face) but are made of solid silver. Somewhere on his person is a blood-red handkerchief. He might wield a curved bone dagger like the floating ones—all of the daggers should be ready to strike.
Focus: The corpse god
Mood: Upsetting, terrifying, murderous. Almost frothing.[68]

Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer (Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate) Color: Black LEGENDARY creature

Location: The Black Pits—see attached reference for an old depiction of the Black Pits (see pp 114-117 and the attached). He wears polished black armor with purple highlights, a dark purple cape, and wields an ebony staff topped with an ancient, blackened skull. Show him in a pose of welcome, as if he's inviting a new "volunteer" in to the fights. Maybe he's smirking a little—he knows what your chances of survival are, and they're not good.
Focus: Baeloth Barrityl
Mood: "Welcome to the Black Pits! Let's hope you put on a good show."[69]

Font of Magic (Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate) *** EXTENDED-ART TEMPLATE WITH LIVE AREA OF STANDARD ASPECT RATIO ***

Setting: *Pentagon*
Color: Spell associated with blue mana
Location: The center of a rope bridge across an underground chasm
Action: Please show a BEAUTIFUL EXPLOSION of MAGICAL pink, light blue, and white streaks of ENERGY which explode in two SYMMETRICAL bursts from the hands of a muscly tiefling SORCERER woman with a masculine hairstyle (see pp. 91–93 for tieflings and 155–156 for sorcerers). She looks surprised and amazed at the magic she's creating.
Focus: The eruption of magic
Mood: Awe and power[68]

Lightning Bolt (Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate) Setting: *Pentagon*

Color: Spell associated with red mana
Location: Wyrm's Crossing, a bridge in the Outer City with a fortress on it (see reference)
Action: A SUPER-POWERFUL singular STROKE OF yellow-white LIGHTNING blasts out in a 100ft LINE atop the bridge toward the fortress. The lightning bolt comes from the outstretched hand of a young human sorcerer, who we likely won't see in much detail, but she's approaching the fortress from the shore to attack. See pp. 155–156 of the "Zebra" world guide for sorcerers if needed.
Focus: The lightning bolt
Mood: BZAP![68]
Notes: This card is a reprint. Its name is final.

Wand of Wonder (Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate) *** EXTENDED-ART TEMPLATE WITH LIVE AREA OF STANDARD ASPECT RATIO ***

Setting: *Pentagon*
Color: Artifact associated with red mana
Location: Amidst a huge cloud of fantastical red butterflies
Action: Please show a WAND OF WONDER (see reference), a gold and metal magical wand with many glowing spheres of different colors on it, out of which bursts radiant light of many colors that flows magically between the butterflies. Maybe the small spokes with spheres at the end, near the end of the wand, are in the midst of spinning wildly and producing the magical light. Maybe it looks like the butterflies are also magically emerging from the wand.
Focus: The wand
Mood: An exciting and surprising magical artifact![68]

Imperial Seal (Double Masters 2022, #79) Color: Black spell

Action: This is a close up of an official letter that bears the unbroken, wax seal of the queen. The symbol is a stylized rose, but it is pressed into red wax that looks eerily like congealed blood. The Letter has been folded into thirds, and bound in gold cord with the unbroken wax seal affixed over the cord. The letter is resting on a lavishly decorated, gold table.
Focus: the queen's unbroken, wax seal on the letter
Mood: A message from the queen, herself!
Notes: This is a reprint, so the card name is final.[70]

Gifts Ungiven (Double Masters 2022) *PLANESWALKER *JACE

Color: Blue spell
Location: Unimportant/abstract
Action: This is a weird DOUBLE IMAGE of the Planeswalker JACE BELEREN. The two images of Jace are both equally "real," but they partially overlap. They should be separate enough that we get two full images of Jace's face and outstretched hand. In both images, Jace's hood is up, his face only partly visible, but we can see that he's smirking a bit. Both Jaces reach a hand toward us, offering something. They're offering different objects—say, a scroll and a gem—and that's the only difference between the two images.
Focus: The double Jaces and their gifts
Mood: Confused? Good.[71]

Body Double (Planar Chaos) Color: Blue

Location: Your choice
Action: This shapeshifting creature takes the form of another creature, but only if that creature is now gone. Show a leafy, verdant treefolk of your design, and show the long-dead, dried-out, fallen treefolk at its feet almost like a shadow. Feel free to add some slight indication that the living treefolk is a shapeshifter.
Focus: The living copy of the dead treefolk
Mood: A cold duplicate.
Notes: Do your best to design a cool-looking treefolk. We don't want just a tree with a face on it.[72]

Body Double (Double Masters 2022) NO SPECIFIC SETTING OR STYLEGUIDE

Color: Blue Creature
Location: A sparse sculptor's workshop.
Action: A human-looking female (shapeshifter) stands in front of a stone wall where dozens of realistic masks hang in ordered rows. The masks can resemble human and humanoid creatures (give us a good mix please). The female figure has her head bowed slightly as she places a mask upon her face. The room is lit by moonlight perhaps coming in from a skylight. Focus: The female shapeshifter
Mood: I am who I pretend to be.[72]

Pacifism (Core Set 2020) Color: White spell

Location: Any peaceful location of your choice
Action: Show a peaceful scene where a burly ex-warrior giant has repurposed two blunted human swords as knitting needles to knit something cute or flowery. It should be clear that the swords are still swords, maybe the hilts are still on them.
Focus: The act of knitting being done by the giant
Mood: “I’ve always wanted to pick up a new hobby.”
Note: This is a reprint of an existing card. The name is final.[73]

Astroquarium (Unfinity) Setting: "Umbrella" (the set's codename)

Color: Blue artifact
Location: Merfolk marina p.29, inside one of the waterproof pods. Except this pod has a CRACK in its glass!
Action: Show a GLASS WALL of a large aquarium tank, with a SHARK and GIANT OCTOPUS behind it. The creatures wear bits of neon costuming or have natural neon patterning (see p.71 for similarly styled neon merfolk). There is a Y-SHAPED CRACK in the glass going from the top of the frame to the bottom (see attached reference). We see water dripping/spurting/leaking through the crack.
Focus: The crack in the glass
Mood: It's going to burst!
Notes: Please keep it to the one Y-shaped crack (no extra branches).[74]

Omniclown Colossus (Unfinity) Setting: "Umbrella"

Color: Colorless artifact creature
Location: Parading through the streets of the Astrotorium (see pp 17–20 for inspiration). Maybe we see a glimpse of the interstellar expanse through the glass of the protective dome, or the massive roller coaster that rockets around the Astrotorium (pp 15, 21, 31).
Action: This is a GIANT CLOWN-BOT, made up of MULTIPLE SMALLER CLOWN-BOTS. It's kind of like a Transformer, and 20 FEET TALL. The PATTERNING on its body is a COLORFUL PATCHWORK from the many clown-bots it's made from, and we see MANY BRIGHT RED NOSES dotted all over its body. Maybe we are looking up at it from the street level.
Focus: The giant clown bot
Mood: Super cool or super terrifying, depending on who you ask
Notes: All clown bots have BOLD COLOR BLOCKING decorating their bodies and BRIGHTLY LIT RED NOSES (pp76–79).[74]

Ashen Reaper (March of the Machine) Please design an ASHEN GHOUL, an eyeless zombie with unnaturally long limbs and charred, cracked skin through which the sullen red glow of a smoldering internal fire is visible.

Mood: An undead creature of ash, char, and hatred.[75][76]

Iridescent Blademaster (March of the Machine) A female warrior lunging forward with her filigree sword.[77]
Jade Mage (Wilds of Eldraine) Paint a female druid of Middle Eastern ethnicity. The druid is in an alert pose, with a saproling companion crawling up her arm or sitting on her shoulder.[78]
Tough Cookie (Wilds of Eldraine) Paint a gingerbread warlock, who casts a spell causing green magic (with a candy cane staff) to swirl around the area. Shards of broken candy begin to reform into terrifying monsters![79]
Rowan, Scion of War (Wilds of Eldraine) Setting: Eldraine

Color: Legendary creature associated with red and black mana.
Location: The ruins of Castle Ardenvale (page 234).
Action: ROWAN (the woman on p.8) walks down crumbling steps that lead down from a destroyed tower, dragging her sword along the broken wall beside her. She is angry, bitter, and vengeful, having lost her mother, her father, and her home to war. Sparks fly from where her blade scrapes the stone wall, and she charges up a blast of spark magic in her other hand. Mirror shards (p.106) surround her sword and her charged up magic. The mirror shards are leaking purple magical wisps (p.102 for inspiration).
Focus: Rowan.
Mood: A traumatized victim of war, hellbent on getting even.
Notes: This art will print with TWO DIFFERENT ASPECT RATIOS: (1) the standard aspect ratio, and (2) with extended margins (please see attached template). Please compose the illustration to fit cropping for the standard aspect ratio, and fill the extended margins with additional, fun details as Easter egg reveals on the cards printed with the extended, aspect ratio.[80]

Will, Scion of Peace (Wilds of Eldraine) Setting: Eldraine

Color: Legendary creature associated with blue and white mana.
Location: The REALM (see the background on page 20 as well as the basic lands on pages 298-305).
Action: Show WILL KENRITH, the new king of Eldraine, at the head of an army. Behind him we see standards bearing the heraldry of both ARDENVALE and VANTRESS (see 260 and 267). Maybe he's on horseback. It would be nice to get a clear shot of his PROSTHETIC LEG here. See attached reference for Will.
Focus: WILL
Mood: A courageous young king with the country behind him.
Notes: See attached references for Will. See pages 260-263 and pages 267-269 for Ardenvale and Vantress knights, respectively. Notes: This art will print with TWO DIFFERENT ASPECT RATIOS: (1) the standard aspect ratio, and (2) with extended margins (please see attached template). Please compose the illustration to fit cropping for the standard aspect ratio, and fill the extended margins with additional, fun details as Easter egg reveals on the cards printed with the extended, aspect ratio.[80]

Syr Ginger, the Meal Ender (Wilds of Eldraine) Setting: Eldraine

Color: Legendary associated with no colors of mana.
Location: Inside a house in Edgewall (p.26-30).
Action: GINGER, a living gingerbread woman, is riding a wildly charging steed made of gingerbread across a tabletop! She is using a large fork as a lance and has a metal coat button shield! Maybe she has candy armor in addition to her original frosting decorations.
Focus: Ginger.
Mood: Charge!
Notes: This art will print with TWO DIFFERENT ASPECT RATIOS: (1) the standard aspect ratio, and (2) with extended margins (please see attached template). Please compose the illustration to fit cropping for the standard aspect ratio, and fill the extended margins with additional fun details as Easter egg reveals on the cards printed with the extended aspect ratio.[80]

Voracious Vermin (Wilds of Eldraine) Paint a hungry and horrible rat. Other rats try to get away from him.[81]
Gingerbread Hunter (Wilds of Eldraine) Paint an ugly, mean-looking green-aligned giant, with the heads of gingerbread-men strung onto a piece of rope around his neck. And maybe he's picking his teeth using a sword.[82]
Trained Arynx (Outlaws of Thunder Junction) A large horse-sized cougar with a freestrider saddle. The cougar should be crouched ready to pounce. You could also add additional features to make this a more magical cougar like horns or antlers. He needs to be ferocious and intimidating.[83]
Brimstone Roundup (Outlaws of Thunder Junction) A posse of Hellspur mercenaries racing their horses through the desert, and instead of dust, their horses kick up clouds of red, magical energy. Two lightning bolts crackle through the night sky.[84]
Redrock Sentinel (Outlaws of Thunder Junction) A golem, made from the red rocks of the desert, with gemstones for eyes, protecting an red-stone arch.[85]
Breeches, the Blastmaker (Outlaws of Thunder Junction) ***EXTENDED-ART TEMPLATE***

Set Code: QXX
Plane: "Quilting"
Color: Legendary creature associated with blue and red mana
Location: On the train tracks (pages 167–178) in the desert, inspired by pages 122–132
Action: BREECHES (see attached references) is a monkey-like goblin pirate who loves destruction. Please design a new outfit for him inspired by pages 45–57 and pages 89–97. Make sure he has a cutlass and feathered pirate hat, which are important visuals in his design. Show Breeches ready to ignite a pile of magical DYNAMITE that he has set on a RAILROAD TRACK (pages 167–178). Maybe we can see other, smaller explosions going off at other points on the track. Maybe in the background we see piles of rubble made of things that he has already blown up.
Focus: Breeches
Mood: Unhinged, chaos-loving, destructive
Notes: This art will print with TWO DIFFERENT ASPECT RATIOS: (1) the standard aspect ratio, (2) and with extended margins (please see attached template). Please compose the illustration to fit cropping for the standard aspect ratio and fill the extended margins with additional fun details as Easter-egg reveals on the cards printed with the extended aspect ratio.[86]

Malcolm, the Eyes (Outlaws of Thunder Junction) ***EXTENDED-ART TEMPLATE***

Set Code: QXX
Plane: "Quilting"
Color: Legendary creature associated with blue and red mana
Location: Above a canyon in a desert, inspired by pages 111–117
Intent: MALCOLM (see attached references) is a winged siren pirate. Please design a new outfit for him inspired by pages 45–57, pages 89–97. Make sure he wears goggles and a long coat, which are important visuals in his design.
Action: Show Malcolm FLYING high in the air as he spies on a small TRAIN (pages 167–178) in the distance. Maybe in the background, we see an explosion somewhere along the railroad track. Maybe we see a tornado or storm brewing on the horizon.
Focus: Malcolm
Mood: Fun, daring, adventurous
Notes: This art will print with TWO DIFFERENT ASPECT RATIOS: (1) the standard aspect ratio, (2) and with extended margins (please see attached template). Please compose the illustration to fit cropping for the standard aspect ratio and fill the extended margins with additional fun details as Easter-egg reveals on the cards printed with the extended aspect ratio.[86]

Bruse Tarl, Roving Rancher (Outlaws of Thunder Junction) ***EXTENDED-ART TEMPLATE***

Set Code: OTJ
Plane: Thunder Junction
Color: Legendary creature associated with red and white mana
Location: Arid plateau with desert flowers (pages 130–131) for inspiration
Intent: BRUSE TARL, a stubborn cattleman from Zendikar, always had a tumultuous relationship with his equally stubborn oxen. But on Thunder Junction, he's become a willing caretaker of adoring oxen (see attached oxen reference) from all over the Multiverse.
Action: Show Bruse Tarl with his handlebar mustache wearing a Freestrider costume (see attached reference, pages 23–26, for costume) shepherding several very distinct oxen across the plateau. Maybe he's feeding one flowers while the others wait their turn.
Focus: Bruse Tarl
Mood: A loyal protector of his animal companions
Notes: This art will print with TWO DIFFERENT ASPECT RATIOS: (1) the standard aspect ratio, (2) and with extended margins (please see attached template). Please compose the illustration to fit cropping for the standard aspect ratio and fill the extended margins with additional fun details as Easter-egg reveals on the cards printed with the extended aspect ratio.[86]

Eriette, the Beguiler (Outlaws of Thunder Junction) ***EXTENDED-ART TEMPLATE***

Set Code: QXX
Plane: "Quilting"
Color: Legendary creature associated with white and black mana
Location: An expensive hotel in Prosperity, inspired by pages 154–166.
Intent: ERIETTE (see attached reference) is a seductive, scheming witch. Please design a new outfit for her inspired by pages 58–71 and pages 89–97. Make sure to incorporate her high collar and shattered-mirror motifs into her new clothes, as they are important visuals in her design.
Action: Show ERIETTE lounging gracefully at a table in a crowded saloon and all the other patrons (inspired by pages 155–156) SERVING her because they are enchanted by her purple DREAM MAGIC. Maybe someone else at her table lies face down in their meal. Maybe we see her crone self-reflected in a mirror in the back of the bar.
Focus: Eriette
Mood: Powerful, deadly, sexy
Notes: This art will print with TWO DIFFERENT ASPECT RATIOS: (1) the standard aspect ratio, (2) and with extended margins (please see attached template). Please compose the illustration to fit cropping for the standard aspect ratio and fill the extended margins with additional fun details as Easter-egg reveals on the cards printed with the extended aspect ratio.[86]

The Gitrog, Ravenous Ride (Outlaws of Thunder Junction) ***EXTENDED-ART TEMPLATE***

Set Code: OTJ
Plane: Thunder Junction
Color: Legendary creature associated with black and green mana
Location: Bog (118) with duck weed (see reference) or other swamp greenery. Intention: The Gitrog Monster (see reference) is a huge, mutated frog. Denizens of Thunder Junction have been trying to wrangle the Gitrog so they can ride it, but so far, their efforts have been futile.
Action: The Gitrog Monster blasts out of the swamp. Various nets, lassos, and ropes dangle off the monster from failed efforts to capture or contain it. It's got a saddle (page 87A) in his mouth like a dog with a chew toy.
Focus: The Gitrog monster
Notes: This art will print with TWO DIFFERENT ASPECT RATIOS: (1) the standard aspect ratio, (2) and with extended margins (please see attached template). Please compose the illustration to fit cropping for the standard aspect ratio and fill the extended margins with additional fun details as Easter-egg reveals on the cards printed with the extended aspect ratio.[87]

Rakdos, the Muscle (Outlaws of Thunder Junction) ***EXTENDED-ART TEMPLATE***

Set Code: QXX
Plane: "Quilting"
Color: Legendary creature associated with black and red mana
Location: A villainous saloon in Tarnation (pages 167–178)
Action: RAKDOS (page 16) is a destruction-loving demon who can make himself gigantic. Show him, wings outspread, enlarged to 30 feet tall, using his flaming SCYTHES to rip the ROOF off a building and reveling in the chaos. Maybe he is holding screaming humans in his gigantic hands. Maybe we are staring at him from inside the building he has decapitated.
Focus: Rakdos
Mood: Powerful and destructive
Notes: This art will print with TWO DIFFERENT ASPECT RATIOS: (1) the standard aspect ratio, (2) and with extended margins (please see attached template). Please compose the illustration to fit cropping for the standard aspect ratio and fill the extended margins with additional fun details as Easter-egg reveals on the cards printed with the extended aspect ratio.[87]

Riku of Many Paths (Outlaws of Thunder Junction) ***EXTENDED-ART TEMPLATE***

Set Code: OTJ
Plane: Thunder Junction
Color: Legendary creature associated with green, blue, and red mana
Location: Abstract version of a red-rock desert with floating stones (pages 124–131)
Intent: RIKU (see reference) is a master wizard who has come to Thunder Junction to hone his magical skills. Riku is wearing a duster inspired by page 94, but please include aspects of his original costume, such as a burst of blue, green, and orange energy or coloration.
Action: We'd like you to design an abstract scene that depicts Riku magically deconstructing his environment. One possibility is to show Riku hovering off the ground near a natural stone arch (page 124) that he has magically shattered. The arch has cracks, like shattered glass, which are beginning to float apart, but we can still see its original shape. Several RAVENS fly away from the shattered arch as if they've been disturbed by this strange occurrence. Or you can go more abstract. Maybe Riku is surrounded by a beautiful pattern of red stone shards, ravens, and magical bursts of blue, green, and orange energy.
Focus: Riku
Mood: A beautiful and magical deconstruction of the desert
Notes: This art will print with TWO DIFFERENT ASPECT RATIOS: (1) the standard aspect ratio, (2) and with extended margins (please see attached template). Please compose the illustration to fit cropping for the standard aspect ratio and fill the extended margins with additional fun details as Easter-egg reveals on the cards printed with the extended aspect ratio.[87]

Nulldrifter (Modern Horizons 3) ***COLORLESS FRAME***

Plane: Non-specific
Color: Creature associated with colorless mana
Location: Over an ocean
Intention: We'd like you to design a brand-new creature that combines elements from the Mulldrifter (see reference) and Eldrazi (see Battle for Zendikar, pages 226–228). Start with the image on page 228A, and then show it zooming over the surface of the ocean. Please incorporate wings like the Mulldrifter or maybe the reddish coloration along its back.
Focus: The flying Eldrazi elemental
Mood: Hallucinatory, wondrous[88]

Spawn-Gang Commander (Modern Horizons 3) ***ELDRAZI FRAME***

Setting: Non-specific
Color: A colorless creature
Location: Rocky terrain
Action: Design an ELDRAZI GOBLIN that is part of EMRAKUL'S BROOD LINEAGE. See goblin redesign document for goblin design and apply Emrakul mutations to it based on the attached references. The Eldrazi Goblin has TENTACLES protruding from its back that FLINGS a smaller Eldrazi Goblin, like a catapult. We see two other smaller Eldrazi Goblins in the scene, waiting, excited and eager for their turn to be flung.
Focus: The larger Eldrazi Goblin
Mood: Living ammunition[88]

Wastescape Battlemage (Modern Horizons 3) ***COLORLESS FRAME***

Plane: Zendikar/BFZ for World Guide references
Color: Creature associated with colorless mana
Location: Tazeem (pages 29–35)
Action: We'd like you to design an Eldrazi knight who mirrors the composition of the original Battlemage image (see attached). Start with the Eldrazi reference on page 221 but imagine crossing it with a horse. Show it reared back on its hind legs in a dramatic stance like the original image. There's no rider in this image, but maybe the Eldrazi has two heads.
Focus: The Eldrazi "knight"
Mood: A twisted version of a knight[88]

Chthonian Nightmare (Modern Horizons 3) ***EXTENDED-ART TEMPLATE***

Setting: Unspecified plane
Color: A spell associated with black mana
Location: Dark cave interior
Intent: This card is a reference to the old card Recurring Nightmare (see art reference).
Action: Show the interior of a dark, weirdly organic CAVE lined with TEETH and EYES. The teeth are dripping DARK OIL as though it is saliva. A small figure is huddled on the floor of the cave near the back, they are trapped in a nightmare and being coated in the oil dripping from the cave's teeth.
Focus: The organic cave
Mood: Nightmarish[89]

Inspired Inventor (Modern Horizons 3) Plane: Kaladesh

Color: A white-aligned creature
Location: A balcony high above a rural town, with snow-tipped mountains in the background (See pages 13–14 for Kaladesh mountains and page 42 for buildings.)
Action: Show a male human ARTIFICER critically inspecting an AETHER-POWERED SERVO clinging to his forearm like a GAUNTLET. Servos come in a variety of shapes—see attached references for examples but adapt it to look like it's capable of doubling as a gauntlet. The servo's body glows with blue aether, and it has a big eye-like globe to help us know that it's not just a gauntlet. The man is of South Asian ancestry, has a heavyset figure, and is roughly 40 years old. (See pages 49–54 for Kaladesh human costuming reference.)
Focus: The artificer
Mood: "Almost perfect, but not quite … just a few more adjustments."[89]

Volatile Stormdrake (Modern Horizons 3) ***EXTENDED-ART TEMPLATE***

Setting: Non-specific plane
Color: A blue-aligned creature
Location: The sky during a lightning storm
Action: A drake is a draconic creature with two wings, two hind legs, and no forelimbs. Show us a DRAKE with its WINGS SPREAD WIDE. Maybe the Drake is CRACKLING with BLUE ELECTRIC ENERGY. Or maybe we see a BLUE GLOW between its scales as if from a fiery blue furnace burning within.
Focus: The drake
Mood: A drake powered by bioelectricity[89]


  1. Shawn Carnes, Scott Hungerford, Kyle Namvar, Christopher Rush, John Tynes, Pete Venters, and Jon Wilkie (December 1995). "From the Library of Leng: Eron the Relentless." The Duelist #8, 55
  2. Mark Rosewater (October 1998). "Insider Trading: Drawing Conclusions." The Duelist #30, p.38
  3. Mark Rosewater (August 16, 2004). "Get it?". Wizards of the Coast.
  4. Wizards of the Coast (April 18, 2005). "Ninth Edition Sketches". Wizards of the Coast.
  5. Wizards of the Coast (July 1, 2009). "A History of the Beeble". Wizards of the Coast.
  6. Wizards of the Coast (July 23, 2009). "Nature's Golden Spiral". Wizards of the Coast.
  7. Wizards of the Coast (July 27, 2009). "Sketches: Essence Scatter". Wizards of the Coast.
  8. Doug Beyer (August 5, 2009). "Keeping Spells Spellish". Wizards of the Coast.
  9. Wizards of the Coast (August 5, 2009). "Sketches: Time Warp". Wizards of the Coast.
  10. a b c d e f g Doug Beyer (August 12, 2009). "Topic Potpourri". Wizards of the Coast.
  11. Monty Ashley (June 24, 2010). "Sketches: Water Servant". Wizards of the Coast.
  12. a b c d e Monty Ashley (June 30, 2010). "The Titans of M11". Wizards of the Coast.
  13. Kelly Digges (July 27, 2010). "Sketches: Greater Basilisk". Wizards of the Coast.
  14. Doug Beyer (August 4, 2010). "The Feedbackening". Wizards of the Coast.
  15. Monty Ashley (August 12, 2010). "Sketches: Brittle Effigy". Wizards of the Coast.
  16. Monty Ashley (August 30, 2010). "Sketches: Fauna Shaman". Wizards of the Coast.
  17. a b c d e Ethan Fleischer (June 17, 2013). "You Make The Card 4: Art Descriptions". Wizards of the Coast.
  18. Trick Jarrett (October 11, 2013). "Waste Not". Wizards of the Coast.
  19. Milivoj Ceran (December 8, 2017). "As Luck Would Have It". Instagram.
  20. Chris Gleeson (December 4, 2018). "Ultimate Masters Art Descriptions". Wizards of the Coast.
  21. Milivoj Ceran (May 23, 2019). "Ravenous Giant". Instagram.
  22. Milivoj Ceran (June 1, 2019). "Rhox Veteran". Instagram.
  23. Milivoj Ceran (September 10, 2019). "Jousting Dummy". Instagram.
  24. Milivoj Ceran (September 12, 2019). "Cauldron Familiar". Instagram.
  25. Milivoj Ceran (September 15, 2019). "Grumgully the Generous". Instagram.
  26. Milivoj Ceran (September 16, 2019). "Mistford River Turtle". Instagram.
  27. Milivoj Ceran (October 17, 2019). "Earthshaker Giant". Instagram.
  28. Milivoj Ceran (January 12, 2020). "Irreverent Revelers". Instagram.
  29. Milivoj Ceran (April 9, 2020). "Parcelbeast". Instagram.
  30. Milivoj Ceran (April 11, 2020). "Aegis Turtle". Instagram.
  31. Milivoj Ceran (April 14, 2020). "Durable Coilbug". Instagram.
  32. Milivoj Ceran (June 13, 2020). "Burlfist Oak". Instagram.
  33. Milivoj Ceran (June 18, 2020). "Griffin Aerie". Instagram.
  34. Milivoj Ceran (November 11, 2020). "War Room". Instagram.
  35. Milivoj Ceran (December 2, 2020). "Court of Bounty". Instagram.
  36. Milivoj Ceran (December 17, 2020). "Sword of the Realms". Instagram.
  37. Milivoj Ceran (December 21, 2020). "Halvar, God of Battle". Instagram.
  38. Milivoj Ceran (January 19, 2021). "Arni Brokenbrow". Instagram.
  39. Jason Rainville (February 20, 2021). "Brief". Twitter.
  40. Milivoj Ceran (March 6, 2021). "Magus of the Moon". Instagram.
  41. Flavor text of Blossoming Calm (Modern Horizons 2, #327)
  42. Flavor text of Late to Dinner (Modern Horizons 2, #329)
  43. Flavor text of Lens Flare (Modern Horizons 2, #330)
  44. Flavor text of Nykthos Paragon (Modern Horizons 2, #331)
  45. Flavor text of Fractured Sanity (Modern Horizons 2, #336)
  46. Flavor text of Mystic Redaction (Modern Horizons 2, #338)
  47. Flavor text of Phantasmal Dreadmaw (Modern Horizons 2, #339)
  48. Flavor text of Rise and Shine (Modern Horizons 2, #340)
  49. Flavor text of Sudden Edict (Modern Horizons 2, #346)
  50. Flavor text of Underworld Hermit (Modern Horizons 2, #347)
  51. Flavor text of World-Weary (Modern Horizons 2, #348)
  52. Flavor text of Harmonic Prodigy (Modern Horizons 2, #352)
  53. Flavor text of Abundant Harvest (Modern Horizons 2, #354)
  54. Flavor text of Ignoble Hierarch (Modern Horizons 2, #355)
  55. Flavor text of Jade Avenger (Modern Horizons 2, #356)
  56. Flavor text of Sylvan Anthem (Modern Horizons 2, #357)
  57. Flavor text of Moderation (Modern Horizons 2, #371)
  58. Flavor text of Ravenous Squirrel (Modern Horizons 2, #375)
  59. Flavor text of Sythis, Harvest's Hand (Modern Horizons 2, #377)
  60. Milivoj Ceran (May 30, 2021). "Chatterstorm". Instagram.
  61. Milivoj Ceran (June 4, 2021). "Chatterfang, Squirrel General". Instagram.
  62. Milivoj Ceran (June 16, 2021). "Steelfin Whale". Instagram.
  63. Milivoj Ceran (June 25, 2021). "Funnel-Web Recluse". Instagram.
  64. Milivoj Ceran (July 9, 2021). "Holy Avenger". Instagram.
  65. Milivoj Ceran (April 15, 2022). "Involuntary Employment". Instagram.
  66. Milivoj Ceran (May 20, 2022). "Master of Ceremonies". Instagram.
  67. a b c d Mark Rosewater (May 23, 2022). "Going Baldur's Gate, Part 1". Wizards of the Coast.
  68. a b c d Mark Rosewater (May 30, 2022). "Going Baldur's Gate, Part 2". Wizards of the Coast.
  69. Joshua Raphael (May 31, 2022). "Heres the brief Dawn gave me". Twitter.
  70. Milivoj Ceran (June 18, 2022). "Imperial Seal". Instagram.
  71. Mark Rosewater (June 20, 2022). "A Double Take, Part 1". Wizards of the Coast.
  72. a b Mark Rosewater (June 27, 2022). "A Double Take, Part 2". Wizards of the Coast.
  74. a b Mark Rosewater (October 10, 2022). "The Unfinity Gauntlet, Part 2". Wizards of the Coast.
  75. Joshua Raphael (April 22, 2023). "Please design an ASHEN GHOUL". Twitter.
  76. Joshua Raphael (May 15, 2023). "'Ashen Reaper' for MTG March of The Machine". Instagram.
  77. Inside the Art of March of the Machine (Video). Magic: The Gathering. YouTube (May 7, 2023).
  78. Milivoj Ceran (July 21, 2023). "Jade Mage". Instagram.
  79. Milivoj Ceran (July 31, 2023). "Tough Cookie". Instagram.
  80. a b c Mark Rosewater (September 18, 2023). "Wilds Blue Yonder, Part 2". Wizards of the Coast.
  81. Milivoj Ceran (September 25, 2023). "Voracious Vermin". Instagram.
  82. Milivoj Ceran (September 26, 2023). "Gingerbread Hunter". Instagram.
  83. Milivoj Ceran (March 29, 2024). "Trained Arynx". Instagram.
  84. Milivoj Ceran (April 1, 2024). "Brimstone Roundup". Instagram.
  85. Milivoj Ceran (April 8, 2024). "Redrock Sentinel". Instagram.
  86. a b c d Mark Rosewater (April 22, 2024). "Bringing the Thunder, Part 1". Wizards of the Coast.
  87. a b c Mark Rosewater (April 29, 2024). "Bringing the Thunder, Part 2". Wizards of the Coast.
  88. a b c Mark Rosewater (June 3, 2024). "Expanding Your Horizons: Eldrazi". Wizards of the Coast.
  89. a b c Mark Rosewater (June 10, 2024). "Expanding Your Horizons: Energy". Wizards of the Coast.