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First seen Doctor Who
Last seen Doctor Who
Status Universes Beyond plane

Darillium is a non-canon plane subtype featured in Doctor Who on the card Singing Towers of Darillium.


Darillium is a planet known for its Singing Towers, a pair of monoliths. When the wind blew through the caves by the Singing Towers, it would harmonize with the layer and cause a song to be produced. The planet is located in a galaxy near the Andromeda Galaxy, has several rings around it, and a large number of non-spherical moons. Seen from afar, Darillium had a reddish-brown coloration, likely due to having a largely rocky surface. The planet rotated very slowly in human terms and night is said to last 24 Earth years.

In-game references

Represented in:
Depicted in:

External links
