Born of the Gods/Event deck

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Born of the Gods/Event deck

Born of the Gods has one {B} event deck.

Underworld Herald


The "Underworld Herald" deck combines aggressive swarms of creatures with devastating spells that destroy your opponent’s forces. Enchantment creatures and powerful devotion creatures give you a solid backup plan if your initial offensive can’t finish things off.[1]

This deck features a mix of aggressive mechanics. Unleash lets you choose to have your creature enter the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter at the cost of not being able to block. Bestow lets you cast some of your creatures as Auras that turn into creatures if the target they are enchanting is removed. This gives you resilience against opponents who can kill your creatures. Abilities that count your devotion to black get more powerful based on the number of black mana symbols among the mana costs of permanents you control, including hybrid mana symbols like the one on Rakdos Cackler — perfect for a deck with only black cards.

Keeping the pressure on is key. In the early game, you can use your low-cost creature-kill spells like Doom Blade and Ultimate Price to clear a path for your creatures to continue attacking. Bile Blight is a powerful removal spell that can be used to take out multiple creatures at once if you plan correctly.

When sideboarding, identify your opponent's strategy and add efficient ways to attack it. If you're playing against a slow and controlling deck, Duress is a fine way to topple your opponent's best-laid plans. against aggressive decks, using Pharika's Curse and Gift of Orzhova to gain life is a powerful play. If the graveyard is where your opponent is gaining advantages, Cremate is a low-cost way to put a stop to that.

Once you're familiar with the "Underworld Herald" deck, there are plenty of great cards to add. If you want to push the devotion mechanic to its limits, Erebos, God of the Dead from the Theros set is a powerful ally. if you find that you're running out of cards too quickly after your aggressive opening turns, Pain Seer is a low-cost creature that uses the Born of the Gods inspired mechanic to allow you to draw extra cards whenever it untaps.


The rares in this deck are Agent of the Fates, Blood Scrivener, Crypt Ghast, Desecration Demon, Herald of Torment, Pack Rat, Xathrid NecromancerX2, Fated Return and Hero's Downfall.


  1. Trick Jarrett (February 06, 2014). "Born of the Gods Event Deck". Wizards of the Coast.