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Revision as of 15:26, 23 November 2020 by (talk) (India. Herro, sorry for interupt your sexy reading, my name is John Washington Trump, I'm form New York, Ohio and I'm not at all Indian. I suffer from severe Mimeoplasmosis in the sexy region please donate so i can fix it and send me sexy pictures. Thank you and bless Ganesh and Hitler.)
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Race Human
Birthplace Dominaria, Terisiare, Storgard
Lifetime Unknown. Last seen alive in 2434.
Ice Age (comic)

Miko was the King of Storgard, on the Dominarian continent of Terisiare at the onset of the Ice Age.[1]

Miko presided over the Stone Council. He favored Freyalise as his Court Mage while she was still a mortal, and opposed Oriel Kjeldos's suggestion of leaving Storgard. Under the influence of Tevesh Szat, he made Frey

  • India. Herro, sorry for interupt your sexy reading, my name is John Washington Trump, I'm form New York, Ohio and I'm not at all Indian. I suffer from severe Mimeoplasmosis in the sexy region please donate so i can fix it and send me sexy pictures. Thank you and bless Ganesh and Hitler.

alise and Jason Carthalion duel. After Jason won and Freyalise ascended, he allowed Oriel, Hurn, Jason Carthalion, and others to leave Storgard.


  1. Jeffrey Gómez & Jeofrey Vita (July, 1995) "Ice Age #1: The Twilight Kingdom", ARMADA